Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, August 13, 2004

-+@ Timmy in the Stars Wars with Vampires @+-

OK, so White Wolf's announcement about Vampire: The Eternal Struggle being licensed was finally posted yesterday. Yay! Sadly, I don't foresee myself playing this since it really isn't the type of game I go for. Oh and someone - candrew, I think - congratulated me for getting the game. Erm... Right, as if I had anything to do with it. I told him as much. Well, as per plans, it'll be hosted on a separate server and not on the CCGW server so it'll almost be a separate game by itself. It'll probably be one of the first games that will be heavily played immediately after it's adapted. Yay!

CoS approached me today, telling me I made some notoriety (erm... however that is spelt - is there a spell checker on this thing? There is? Cool!) on LotR Online with the Hobbit deck he coached - the deck with 46 cards either side and less than 10 rares total - yes you read right total - and an almost pure hobbit deck - up till today, all it had was a common Aragorn; I added that Pippin/Merry Horn from Reflections today - which totally humiliated some of the more "veteran" players by winning. Well, it's all the luck of the draw I guess. Anyways, I've started to see copycat decks (some with Ents, another with Gandalf, one with Legolas and another one with some female elf) - you've got to admit, when a deck that's mostly commons can take out some of the more experienced tournament decks, that's something that makes people rethink their strategies.

And before I get sidetracked by LotR Online... how did that sneak in here?... I helped Tim with A New Hope today. I'm no huge Star Wars fan, but that game is long overdue for an expansion of 4 to be added so.... well, I finally got what he wanted to him in about an hour... I hope we'll see an update soon. There seems to be some players clamouring for it too... I hope it can start a renaissance (boy, doesn't it suck when I can pronounce the word, but not know how to spell it?) on the engine.

While talking about a resurgence, Babylon 5 seems to be making a rather strong statement by maintaining the over 100 games played per month stand for the last few months now. I am not surprised though, as people feel their way around Anla'Shok and now to playtest The Vorlons... although there aren't as many people testing The Vorlons as deleriad would probably like. We'll have to see how that goes in the long run... people are already asking if they can make more expansions...

And talking about custom expansions, there was this MND player who made a blanket statement about custom cards, then had to chew his words when he actually played with Elder's Legacy. Make that *another* one. Reading the cards alone with the preconceived bias against custom cards seems to give them that boring, out-of-region flavour, but as I proved today, the cards are designed very much with the existing cards in mind, and although they might seem at a casual "glance" to be "off", they are in fact very much in-theme and work very well with the regions that they represent. I would suppose that the bias and prejudice is some sort of bigotry against custom cards... oh well, I can only convert them one at a time. Oh, I also heavy hinted that whoever is running the apprentice league should look at an option of running one on the engine as well. Their main argument against that is that it costs to play, but if all one is playing is 4 games a month, then it should be free. We'll have to see what happens on this front.

Oh, if I haven't mentioned it yet, I got the 2 decks of Portable Adventures yesterday, which was mysteriously sent to me. I wondered if Bug paid for these out of his pocket or if he got Mike Nickoloff to send them out of his pocket. I guess I could ask Bug... maybe I will if I see him later. The cards though seems a bit of a letdown from the images that I've been working on ont he engine. There's a washed off sort of print quality that is apparent... and since my custom MND cards look about the same, I can guess with almost 100% certainty how they are printed. They are made in China as well. Quality of the colours aside, it's nice to finally hold the cards in my hand and actually deal out the cards which I need to work on next so that I can refer to them physically instead of on the screen. I'm so looking forward to that this weekend.

Heh, I assure you I do have a life ouside of this, it just seems that I do a whole lot more in a normal day than most people do. It's like Einstein's Theory of Relativity - the faster one is moving, the more time slows down :) I think I'll call it quits for now... but expect a blog (or two) soon. And I think I'll start a new tradition - I'll end every blog with an obscure reference to a game on the engine, so Go Fish and see what you can find... you might be surprised :)

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