Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

-+@ Surge & Grind @+-

That's how the engine updates seems to work - one huge surge and then I have to grind away at it to make everything work again.

Art Credits:
Frostbite Ickle: Ickle by Gillette/Goodman, wings by Werner, background by Holmberg.
Jile Snacks: Hand by Gillette, Snacks by Nov, background by Holmberg.
Nightbloom Cloak: Cloack by Hillgrove, Liriel by Warner/Gillette, background by Holmberg.
I had fun with these images. I think it's more productive to think about the images a few days before hand, then putting everything togehter after I've digested all the ideas. The results look stunning too if I may say so myself. Tainted Glimpses is going to raise the bar a bit over Tainted Glimpses I think. Those are the last of the Bograth and Paradwyn cards. All that's left are 10 more cards that I need to get some sort of images for - 1 Arderial, 4 d'Resh and 5 Nar cards. Those will be harder to pull off, but hopefully this weekend, I should be able to get the Arderial card out of the way. Hopefully.

And with that Bograth and Paradwyn got added to the engine. That brings the engine's complement of TG regions to 10 and thet total number of cards to 72 + 4. So 28 more cards to be added to the engine for TG to be complete. Perhaps by next month they'll all be there. Yay for the homestretch.

Otherwise there's not been too much MND activity today. I did get permission from FlameRaven (Beth) to use her RP card art as custom cards, so that's one more step ahead for EF. Also, I got all the names of the Guardians, so that's another good thing. And before anyone starts asking me about MND expansion abbreviations...

Official Sets
BS = Base Set
LE = Limited Edition
UL = Unlimited Edition
(The above 3 are all the same thing basically)

AW = Awakening
DE = Dream's End
ND = Nightmare's Dawn
VotS = Voice of the Storms
TR = Traitor's Reach*
DB = Daybreak*
SO = Second Order*

Novelty's Custom Cards
EL = Elder's Legacy
SP = Shadowsfall Promo
TG = Tainted Glimpses
KQ = Keeper's Quest (Promo)
TW = Twilight War
EF = Exodus Flight (consisting of cardnames and images from EX, DS, CF)
NS = Native Spirit
AoD = Ancient of Days

Insiider RP Custom Cards
EX = Exodus
DS = Dreamstorm
CF = Chimefall

Other news? Kev said Monkeys will be playable before the week is out. I asked him if he meant this week as a jest. Really though, I've learnt to take time frames by myself and my fellow PLs with a lot of leeway, to the extreme of considering Venusian days in place of Earth days.

Tomi is still busy on Kult. I'm surprised at what he's achieving so far and his dedication to it. After all, this is Bryan Winter's favourite game and I guess Tomi wants to impress the game designer or something. I've also put up James Bond onto the forums a few days ago (as blogged then) and I think Tomi might be interested. No vacancy has been posted for that though. We'll have to see.

Logan is still hard at work on SR, unsurprisingly. It is his signature game after all. He has been spending a lot of time on it recently and hopefully that will translate into more people picking up the game. He has noticed my MND artwork and was asking if I'd be willing to do images for the game. Well, join the queue of people asking for that. I think he has decided to cull SR "art" from various sources. We'll have to see what happens there.

Martin has been busy on ME and all the changes associated with it. I know how much a game like LotR will probably take and ME is like 10 times as complex as LotR so it's miles difficult to update. Still, I think he's doing a good job as there seems to be some people playing it more. Meanwhile on the DoomTown front, people are being drawn to the game as they experience the unique shootout system. Martin did say he was going to do Upkeep tracking, but not soon. Oh well, I can wait, I suppose.

Mark is still toiling away on GRfOS. I think he should be rewarded with a tournament on the game soon... after he works out all the bugs I suppose. He has a playtest session on Sunday as well to do that, so hopefully he can get some interest for the game. We shall have to see.

And it's been all quiet from everyone else... except perhaps Craig who seems to be pushing ahead with Ultimate Combat rather quickly. He seems to be ploughing through adapting the game rather quickly, which is a good sign I suppose.

Rage is going to a point where they are considering a tournament next month. I think that's good progress of sorts. Hopefully that will increase gameplay some more. I wonder if they are drawing the VTES crowd at the moment... probably not so much, but who knows?

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