Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, August 13, 2004

What's up for the Weekend? .-+^*^+-.,.-+^*^+-.

Right, I just sorted out my MND cards... all 6 of them that I just got in a trade... and while sorting it out I though I might as well put my CCG Workshop plans for the weekend here.

First up is the sorting out of all the mess in Portable Adventures. That needs to be done. I wonder if I'm going to put in the pass and next button ala Mythos - I've got the images done for them, I just need to code them, but like everything else in there, I'm afraid of breaking the code when I add new things. Unattach cards is already broken since all the messing around with events and flipping and that's one thing I have to fix. I'm beginning to think that this is truly the game without an end...

I should also continue scanning in the Triple Triad cards. Unlike normal cards, these have to be scanned both sides which gets a bit tedious. I wish there was a machine I could just put them in and they get scanned automatically, like a card scan feeder or something. Someone should invent one.

Quartet is public now, so I really shouldn't have much to do on it right? Well, the problem there is that the score dice is still the same as Go Fish *sigh* Which means I'll have to update the dice.... I still can't figure out what I should use to score. I thought of glasses of beer, but I don't want parents to come accusing me of alcohol advertising. Poker chips are a bit out of place, and potato chips are a bit... well, hard to scan. I'm still looking for something. Maybe I'll resort to quarters - hopefully, there are enough state quarters taht I don't have to duplicate any of them. And I guess, while I'm at it, I'll take a shot at updating the Go Fish die to add 5 more to it so that it can now take up to 11 players instead of 6.

And Bowling should get a head start somewheree. I guess that since this seems to be working out as a images weekend, I might as well make the images for the game. Now if I can only get a nice font for it...

Hmm... someone is asking if there's anyone who'd like to play MND. Looks new as well... I wonder if he'll mind if I wipe him out with a good deck... probably not since he's probably playing a good deck. Time for a game me thinks, unless I lose my Concentration...ack!



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