Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

-+@ Improve Self @+-

Well, such is the goal of one in life...

Art Credits:
Blue Sarf by Jeffry Ransom, background by Holmberg
Lava Kilm by Beth Zyglowicz
Osnepg by Cody Shipman, colours by Raegan Walter, effects and background by myself

Three more EF cards, the Osnepg was one that I templated a few days ago. I liked how the image for that turned out with the shafts of light and the nice sea green background. The other two are good as well, and I thought the trio of sea creatures would make a good view for today's blog. Exodus Flight isn't going anywhere spectacular though, it's been placed on the backburner, since TW has a bit more precedence over it.

I've been cleaning up the RP stuff and getting ready to template Chimefall - it's looking good there. Soul Conflict has just started art solicits on Insiider, so that's another good thing going on. The RP cards are starting to get a little bit busy, which is good. The quality of the artwork has been improving there. Hopefully Soul Conflict will continue the trend.

Otherwise, I've been clipping Hyborean Gates cards... will be finishing up on the Vortex Tactics and will probably move on to Orisis ... or is that Osiris next. Hyborean Gates will be a no frills game, so the most time consuming part of developing it would probably be the images followed by the spoiler. Ah well, hopefully, I can get it for tinkering on the engine before the month is out and public by next month.

I've also been hitting ebay for a number of other cards. I doubt I'll get them though. Almost placed a bid on a luminous Star Wars card until I realised that the title of the card was Luminous. Sheesh, I'm stupid. Although, cards that glow in the dark would be rather cool in a CCG.

Didn't get too much time to tweak my non-Solo Gandalf... although I think Sam is working out better than Frodo as the ringbearer there. Still, the problem comes in region 3 when my opponents get to play at least 2 fierce minions and Sam is dead meat. Ah well, back to the drawing board.

Monster Rancher is getting some interest.... well, make that 2 people who seems interested. Will they play once it gets released? I somehow doubt that they would make a difference with the numbers played. Still, it's interesting that another CCG might be released soon-ish. The other CCG that I'm looking forward to being made public would be CWNB, now that Josh is working on it. I wonder how he's getting on though.

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