Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

-+@ Gravity @+-

Forces of Nature? Who knows...

Well, I was downloading the images for Terminator today, which is why they are up there for today. Nothing big happening there, but since I've got to download Terminator at some point, I migth as well do it sooner rather than later. After all, things disappear after a while online... I don't mean over the next few hours or few days or even few months, but there are lots of pages out there that disappears after a couple of years, or don't get updated... and all you see are shells of the former websites sitting around, all full of promises, but lies direlict and abandoned by the owners.

Anyways, this will be a quick blog today... or maybe not... who knows?

I haven't had the time to even check on gToons, I've been so busy playing LotRO lately. Got the discarding Hobbit deck to work properly now... gone are the Birthday Presents and the upteen useless conditions in that deck for SFSG. Oh well. I might remake a SFSG deck at some point as well. Also rebuilt my Promise deck, but without the draw cards that have been rotated out, I'm finding things a bit slow-going there. Non-solo smeagol had the smallest update, but there weren't much smeagol cards introduced anyways. Shadow-side though, I must say I'm learning how to play Naz, and although I don't really like playing them, I must admit they can be fun at times. I've been mainly playing around with Men, particularly the Mouth and all his tricks. Found a new trick today, well a combo in the CCG lingo and stopped cold my last opponent's tactics by site 2. Of course, his deck was subpar though.

It's been a slow MND day today. Frank (NXK) has been working on his catagon article and people are trying to build crazy broken decks for the tournament. I don't even know if that'll go ahead. There's already less people who've signed up for it than the last tournament, but it's still early days so who knows. I've started a blog with Daniel (dartax) on MND about MND on CCGW and we are just doing stupid (as in the good kind of stupid) non-world-shattering stuff there. I am enjoying co-blogging with someone else for a change.

My hard-drive was filling up with scanned images so I had to write some of them to CD. I tried putting the FastBreak, Triple Triad and Hyborian Gates scans and was told that it was 3 GB worth of data! Yikes! So only FastBreak got written to CD and I definately need a few more CDs to write stuff to and free up my 40GB hard disk. I think it's about time I double that as well...

The images server still isn't 100% working completely. I'll have to wait until that is done before I can upload Final Twilight. That is putting a damper on my intentions to finish off HumAliens ASAP though, or to even upgrade Bowling, since both of those games needs updates on the images as well. Oh well, guess all I can do is to prepare for the work this month.

There's the usual queue of wannabe PLs, and as Tomi remarked to me a couple of days ago, we have to be lucky to get the good ones. So far the record has been such that 40% of the new PLs drop out after about 6 months without any games, and a further 25% drop out after their first game have been completed. Well, I suppose that means for every 3 new PLs, only 1 is a keeper. Does that mean we should open the floodgates and separate out the wheat and the chaff? I don't think so, though somehow, because that would just be very ineffective. I'm sure there are better ways of doing it, but at the moment, it's not my decision.

There's a discussion about the bads of Dr. Who CCG on the CCGW forums. It's an interesting read. Of all the new CCG forums I've put up recently, that's the one that's getting some traffic. I doubt anyone will be doing it soon though, but at least it's getting traffic for a dead game. Not too bad when compared with some of the other dead games out there.

Julien seems to be back on the game with Shadowfist. He should hopefully be adding interesting stuff to the game in the near future, including the latest exansion that people have been asking for for a while now. The number of Shadowfist games being played has gone up as well.

I think I should work on B5 next. That is going to be killer to do I think, but hopefully a few well written macros will help out and do the trick. We'll have to see. I've also got to update that little post I made a while ago regarding which CCG on the engine has the most card. I don't think B5 is king of the hill anymore.



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