Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

-+@ Turn @+-

If I'm making this hard, well, probably it isn't too hard to figure out which game the titles of this month's blog is from. 28 days this month, meaning that there's probably less for me to choose from.


Yup, more HumAlien images, this time from the Alien faction. Added these 3 cards to the engine... yes, that's all of the Alien faction for this expansion. I think this expansion focuses on the Clones and the Robots. I must say the art isn't too bad for a kiddie game. It's a pity it didn't have a cartoon to popularise it, but oh well. Anyways, that's just 8 cards out of 200+ added, I'm going to take it easy on this and add in less than 10 cards at a go. Next up, the Beast faction... but don't ask me when I'll be doing that.

Didn't play gToons today, but I did have a look at my cards and tried to build an alternate deck. Failing miserably won't even begin to cover the feeling. I did get a number of LotR games under my belt today though. Felt really good just practicing doing stuff in a game, if only to prepare myself for the release tournament at the end of the month. Yeah, that's always fun.

I did play a few MND games today as well "just for practise". I haven't played so long that I've almost forgotten how to play, I guess. I built a stupid Cald swarm deck... with 3 Green Stuff just for laughs. It's funny how the deck can wipe out my opponents though... I guess their inexperience shows through here. Oh well - nobody expects 3 Green Stuff in a Cald deck for sure... it's just like mixing... mud with fire.

A couple more MND tournament results have trickled in today, so I made a nice table in the forums for people to see where they stand and who they need to play with and stuff. Nothing too complex, but I hope it'll encourage them to play more games and stuff. I wonder how successful this is going to be and if it's going to be worth it to have another one next month. We shall have to see.

11 days more until the end of the month. Means I have 11 more days to finish scanning Hyborian Gates and to get the Final Twilight counter modifications in. Hmm... they don't seem that daunting, but nevertheless they do seem to require a bit of time. I hope I can get them done ASAP though, I don't really want to drag them on into next month. I've got Portable Adventures encounter automation to do as well. Urgh, that is gonna shape up to be a big headache all the way around.

At least I DID get borders done. I can't think of a good way to add the icons though, that would have made it too much like UNO, so what I did instead was to put the special card names onto the popup text. Well, that's the best I can do I guess, I really want people to remember all the specials in the game though. Anyways, it's not a big deal as the players on the engine seems to prefer CCGs to the other games... card games like Borders and Go Fish aren't going to be very popular... since they are just "a waste of tokens" as one person told me.

And as for the gossip bit... let's see... one new expansion from 10tacle today, Timmie is still happily playing Star Wars on the engine with all the new cards. I have no idea what the triumvirate are up to, they seem busy (and rightly so) with their personal life. Mark is around doing something, what exactly I have no idea. Kev is probably monkeying around with Monkeys somewhere when he's free and he's up to it.

And wumpus should have his 3rd tour tomorrow. There's a funny story here. He was complaining about the draw to 13 being broken... the moment I heard his complaint, I knew it was because he's changed a card name and forgotten to edit it out of his deck, hence the draw to 13 was failing, because it was drawing a card that no longer exist. I'm just surprise that he still complains about it when it's such a common problem, especially with Mythos where things, and by that I mean card names, get changed around so often. Oh well... card name changes = bad idea generally, unless you have a good reason to do it.

Oh, and I had my first complaint about the name "Project CHuckie CHeese". Urm... that's just the project name and stuff, it's something that was coined to refer to the game that is in the works, while a name for the game is being figured out. "Secret Wars" is the current favourite, but nothing is written in stone yet, hence the need for a name to refer to the whole project. Urgh and double urgh about the complaint. Anyways, Chris is finally getting around to getting the decks decked out and stuff... we'll be playing our first game next Tuesday and stuff. It does sound interesting and stuff, we'll have to see. I already have Nate saying he'll have a look to see if Neo will do publishing and publicity for the game. Might as well do it under Neo since he's got the experience with Final Twilight. Nothing is written in stone there as well though.

And before anyone asks me (again) anymore about these... Terminator is a game I'm adapting for the engine, it's not a new game that I'm doing, rather, it's an expansion for AvP. However, because of the way those games are setup, things are a bit different there. I'm going to lump in the first Terminator scenario with the Countdown scenario for AvP... don't ask me when, it's definately not this month.

Highlander is a game that is NOT on my current to do list. Note the highlight and the underline. I haven't said I'll do it yet and I doubt I'll get there for some time. Hyborian Gates and Portable Adventures needs to be finished first and out the door before I can even consider doing it. And what about Tempest of the Gods and Scooby Doo and all those other icons that one sees on my desktop? Well, those icons are nice aren't they? There are more where those came from.

Oh, I had a talk with kari about the doomtrooper tournament. It was decided that since he and Thomas are both very capable of handling it, I should butt out because I'm not wanted... or something like that. Ah well, I'll let them progress at the pace that they want to go... at least I can say I offered to help, and I wish them the best.

I wonder if I have the time for a distraction this month though... Hmm...

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