Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

-+@ Twunk @+-

what makes a twunk sound?

Three out of the 5 beast cards I added today to HumAliens, and the slow progress of the New Order cards gets added online. Next up will probably be X-PETs, as Clone got quite a large number of cards for this expansion. One can say this is the Attack of the Clones...

It's been a quiet day today. Finally took a look at my gToons rank and was pleasantly surprised to see it hovering at about the same level I left it 2 weekends ago. I guess people were busy, maybe like me playing with LotR Online. I did get 2 games today, lost my first one, won the second one. Nothing special there, but I doubt I'll get out of the mid-800s soon.

Talking about LotRO, Kari seems to be enjoying it there. I think I got my fun decks about ready now... next up will be to build those tougher tournament decks. Well, I do have enough of the rares and rare plus and ring foils to create an interesting deck, but hopefully the first few of my tourney decks will be based on something a little bit less used. We'll have to see.

I'm sorting out my 2 boxes of MND cards as I'm typing this... it's so hard to blog while dividing up cards into different piles, but it's progressing. Next up I've got to file everything away and box up the rest. I should have a few spare boxes yet, although I'm sure in about a month or two's time, I'll probably have to get more boxes from cardhaus.

I built an interesting MND dice Core deck for Shadowsfall playtesting, but I won't talk about it here since it is blogged at MND on gEngine. I still wonder if I'd be able to pull off the weenie Cald swarm with Fiergo. Oh well. Dartax seems to be busy building up his tournament decks as well, the second one which he wrote about seems to be a Weave/Cald one. I've got a few ideas there, but since I'm not in the tournament, I'm not so inclined to build those decks. 2 more people joined the tournament bringing the total fixed players at 9 with 2 more maybes. Currently, it's 6 games to qualify for the win, although if either or both of those maybes join, they'll bump the total up to 7. It should be interesting to see how things build up to the 17th.

I saw Mike (grover) today on the engine, but we didn't chat. It's a pity how Doomtown seems to be getting less and less played. Perhaps one reason is that Martin hasn't given it the attention that it should be getting. It's almost a year since it was last updated, and the K, Q and J images are still not yet fixed, eventhough that has been pointed out to Martin quite a while back. Hopefully he'll fix it soon.

Tomi was telling me that Craig has started schemas - well, I wonder if that means that he's the now mentor? Curious minds and all that, but probably not. Tomi is the schema guy and probably writes some of the best schemas that I've seen. This, combined with his artistic skills (although he'll claim he's not an artist and that's true to a degree), makes his cards really good to behold and gaze upon. Urgh, and there I go into ye olde english!

There's probably a few other things that I could say, but I'm more interested in sorting out my MND cards now... maybe I'll post more later... if at all.



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