Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

-+@ Good to Go @+-

Let's do the update of the image I was working on yesterday. Here's the continuation of the evolution of the picture:

and the final completed image:

and the templated card:

So, that's art by Cody Shipman (Angetiger) and Nov, backgrounds by Holmberg. The card was brainstormed by Patrick and myself in a chat today. The stats will probably get updated on the custom card page once all the cards are finalised.

Daniel's sister, Annette sent me better quality images of of the 4 creatures she's showed me. Consequently, I've updated the Rabid Sagaweave image (see previous post). She's gonna send me some more of her stuff. I can't wait to see what other cool images she's got. Daniel has been rather happy with this too - I had a long chat with him about MND in general.

Gwen Bozyc replied to my email today to let me know I could use her junjertrug calf image for the custom calf, so that's a second artist in as many days. I'm glad that I have another original artwork, which means one less "recycled image" in this custom set.

So the three new cards today are all creatures:

Art credits from left: Holmberg/Vega/Werner/Gillette/Goodman, Holmberg/Vega, Bozyc. So Core and Weave are now down to 1 each, which means 5 regions (Naroom, Orothe and Arderial are the other 3) are one card short of completion. KT is 3 cards away from completion and then I get to move on to Bograth and Paradwyn. I have no idea where to start on Bograth and Paradwyn, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Hopefully, Annette would have some nice Bograth cards. So, that's 67 cards done, but since I added Dion today, the 2/3rd mark has increased by a card to 69, which means I'm 2 cards away from that. The 3/4 mark is still 9 cards away from that at 78 cards. I'm getting there.

Played gToons today and lost badly. Guess I'm gonna lose some rankings. Oh well.



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