Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, January 03, 2005

-+@ Overwatch @+-

Heh, I can't believe this.... more images for TG...

Art credits from left:
Top Row: Werner, with backgrounds by Holmberg, Shreve, with backgrounds by Whyrl, Whyrl
Bottom Row: Werner/Cook/Goodman, Werner/Shreve, Holmberg.

The Furnace Hyren finishes off the Cald subset, while Phosporescence finishes off the Underneath subset. Orothe, Naroom, Arderial and Universal has one card left, and Core has 2 cards left. Next up would be the Weave and KT cards. I had to rename the Naroom creature to fit the art, and there'll probably be more name changes to get them to conform to the art sources.

While all this was going on though, I got to do my regular maintenance work on the BOT and the forums. It's quiet in there though, which is good.



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