Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

-+@ Perfect Organism @+-

"I hate to think that all my current experiences will someday become stories with no point." - Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.

Why was I looking at Calvin and Hobbes? Well, one of the spells in TG just got renamed Transmogrification so I was hoping to get a good tagline for it. Alas, I have failed, but I did manage to get that above gem of a quote... with the only difference being that with me it's not "someday", but everyday as I blog what I'm doing for CCGW.

Patrick (magimutt) has finished his first review of the TG cards and very soon I'd be incorporating them and then getting ready to port that onto the engine. Right now though, I'm still working on the images. He pointed out that Darunia might be non-Kosher since it could be linked to Zelda so I got back to Darius (Lugan) who suggested Darya in homage to MTV. Sheesh, the MTV generation. I settled on a compromise though, she's now Dariya, and extra syllable should hopefully throw off the lawyers from MTV. Her two cards though, have been updated.

Patrick also found a good image that Angetiger did for him and I attempted to colour it in. It's still rather blegh at the moment although I've got to start working on dodge and burns next to make it 3D. Practise makes perfect, I guess.

Talked with Whit (thebigsquid) about art and stuff. He's colouring in an unused Underneath magi and I have no idea what I'm gonna do with that image, but it'd be cool to have backups anyways. That and the unused proto-magi images from Matt should probably tide me over for the next set or two... at least where Underneath magi are concerned.

Also found Lou Holsten's page today and tried to update wiki, but something seems to be against me there. Nevertheless, at least I know who to credit on some of the art pieces.

The big news today, at least for me MND-wise, is that Annette Burke has finally given me permission to use her images for my custom cards. Yay. One of them will be posted after this. I guess actually talking to MND players who login into gEngine does have its perks - it was her brother Daniel (dartax) who pointed me to her, and I have no doubt that he would have talked to her as well over the holidays.

So today, I redid the artwork on Chain of Broken will. The background was a bit bland and I thought I could do better, so I did that. Also did three cards in short succession, bringing the total of cards finished up to 63 (and surpassed the 3-fifth point). That's 5 less than the two-third mark. That's my target for this week, the 2/3rd mark. And from there it's only an easy 9 cards to the three-quarter mark. OK, not so easy 9 cards, since it'd be the homestretch, but it'll be a small number to the next monumental mark.

Art Credits from left: Werner/Gillette/Cook/Goodman/Holmberg, Gillette, image by Burke/background by Holmberg.

So Universal joins the echelons of regions finished, which at this point in time only number 3 out of 13. The other 2 are Cald and Underneath. I was suppose to get an Arderial and a Naroom image today, but didn't manage to get either. It's not easy doing art I guess. Getting those 2 would finish those respective regions, so I hope I'd get them sometime tomorrow at the very least. Orothe still has a spell left, Core and Weave has 2 cards each, KT has 4 and that's not counting promos.

Played a reasonable amount of gToons today. I still can't believe I've gone under 1000 this year. Not going to set any records but to just have fun. I've got an idea for a JLA deck, but don't have the cards to build it. Blegh.

I worked more on the image I was colouring... here's a copy of the final version (for tonight) as well as the evolution from black and white to the final version. I don't like the hands and the face... I really do hate colouring animate objects.



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