Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

-+@ Fiery Defense @+-

Happy New Year to everyone who's reading this... not that there are that many anyways. The new year brings a new month which means that the titles of my posts are now from a new CCG... I wonder which one.

Well, since I finalised the EL cards, I think I might as well continue posting one region per day... until I'm all out of 12 regions. Let's see, 4 regions posted so far, so 8 more regions and universal to go.

So, today, being the first day of the new year, I did close to nothing. The BOT got a quick once over to clear a few questions, but other than that things are quiet.

The big news is that VTES will be off gEngine for awhile starting tomorrow. A number of players aren't gonna be too happy with that news I guess, but oh well. At least the engine will revert to the quiet place it is and that would be a good thing for a while. I don't have to bother with VTES newbies and all their problems. I don't think I'll be logging on to the VTES server so whoever who maintains stuff there will probably have a hard time with the newbies. I hope the new VTES server won't have shepherds as well... I don't think WW would want to give away free games when it just won't make sense. Hopefully someone will handle the VTES bot duties as well. I think I'll refuse to do that since I won't know what's happening on that server anyways. I don't mind teaching the new VTES admin the ropes though. We'll have to see.

Things are a little quieter today, probably because everyone was up late last night. Things to see in January.

* Le Tournoi going public
* Bowling going public
* Monster Mash going public
* DoA getting playable
* VTES being taken off the engine

Tomi mentioned to me yesterday that we know for sure which game will have the largest loss in January... and I had to laugh. I don't think we have anything against VTES though. At least I won't be bombarded by people asking me what they have to do to select the game.

Personally though, I'm itching to get SP finalised and TG onto the engine. Let's see when that will be. Also this year, I'm going to slow down on my engine stuff to continue working on my (other two) websites. So I guess a lot of slippage will occur with my schedule. Still, I better finish at the very least Bowling and Hyborean Gates by March, and Firestorm before June. Hopefully along the way, Terminator will get added with its scenarios and HumAliens will get Second Order, not that anyone plays that game anyways.

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