Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, November 21, 2005

-+@ Yellow Jacket @+-

Eh? What a title...

Art Credits:
Chyter by Jeffry Ransom, background by Holmberg
Evergreen Hyren by Jen Reed, background by Holmberg
Spiky Beeb by Austin Gardner, colours redone by Nov, background by Nov

Just a quick short (Ha! probably not!) blog today to keep all the people who read this (yes, all 2 of you) happy.

Nothing much is going on with MND. The tournament is still going on and a game was just played over the last 24 hours. I wonder how many people are excited about that... I think all that's left are just the good players since everyone who seems to be a beginner seems to have dropped off the face of the tournament. Oh well.

The 5th DJ contest ended today. I haven't posted up the winner yet, but the entries look interesting. This will be the penultimate contest though. Next month's DJ contest will probably be the last one... unless someone gets more artwork for it.

I actually updated the unofficial site with the 2002 calendars today. It's a small little section, but as the site moves on from the cards and the card game to the entire mythos of the world that is the moonlands, every little thing is going to start building up. About a score of people, or at least hits from a score of unique sites are being registered at least on a daily basis from across 5 continents... so...

I updated the plates post yesterday for a whole lot of things. Mark got 2 more games on his plate and one is already in closed testing on the engine. He's being going like a maniac with his games lately, which is a good thing IMO. He's also picked up his first board game - perhaps he's looking for a challenge?

Ed was busy with a new version of the engine, and this time there was a White Wolf version as well, so Martin got happy and decided to do major work on VTES. He figured out a few cool tricks for the game too that one of these days I'll have to add to my games. Hopefully this game will be made public soon.

Tony released a few hundred fan cards for WoT a few days ago... that must have taken ages to code by hand. He's even added a burb to B5 in his release too. It's funny though how B5 has got massive play while WoT doesn't really. Perhaps it's the quality of the WoT player, or maybe it's just the subject matter?

Talking about B5, the league is turning up quite a number of bugs and shortfall in the B5 programming... and I'm happily explaining to everyone how to use the defects report page on the website (not the forum). Well, I guess I'll start seeing an upswing in B5 defects over the next few days.

There was only 1 league game over the league weekend... and d1ngo won that game, so I suppose he'll be taking away the 5 copper tokens and stuff. Things seem to be going slower for league though as people begin to see how difficult it is to actually play a B5 game mega-competitively and to win on time. I've yet to play a game though... hmm... one of these days.

Bruce/deleriad has started templating cards for the next fan-made B5 expansion... and his first 2 cards got shot at rather constructively... hopefully those won't be the final versions... but it's always interesting to get new cards. I wonder if we'll get a new card template this time around. Probably not.

Mark Smith of Radical Racers fame from Lo'Jac Entertainment buzzed me about the new forums. I had to explain to him that the forums were destroyed and that the new forums is a bit more simple than the old ones. He's happy with the forums though, although I haven't seen him posting anything about Radical Racers on the forums yet. Maybe he's getting up to something.

Mike/Grover also asked me about the possibility of a DoomTown FAQ thread/post. I directed him to the CCG forum, because that's where all the "low post volume" CCGs should go. I haven't seen anything from him either on the forums, but there are better DoomTown mailing lists and bulletin boards out there.

I still have about 4 more Final Twilight images to colour for the next next next (or something) expansion. I wonder where I'll find the time to do that. I also have to finish up Hyborian Gates which has taken ages to do. Oh well, such is one with little to no motivation to adapt a complicated game... let's hope that motivation hits soon.

I bought the 40th anniversary version of Dune and read it. Made me understand more of the CCG now. Might even say I'm inspired to play the CCG again. Then again, thinking of the complex rules and the limited large number of cards... hmm... I guess I'll stick with the novel.

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