Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

-+@ Backlash @+-


Art Credits:
Melt by Holmberg/Gillette/Werner/Nov
Tundra Weggit by
Frost Burn by Nov/Holmberg

These are, for a change, the TW cards. Nar was the region posted today for review today and I know at least one person is going over them already. That brings it up to 5 and a half regions that has had cards designed for them. Not too shabby, I guess, on that score.

All the above was possible only because I did the Tundra Weggit a few days back and Frost Burn today. I know the Frost Burn has much to be desired and is probably the card with the worse art of the set. Oh well, not much I can do there since it takes an existing TG suggestion. With those 2, that finally means that Nar has all card art. 3 more cards left to do for TW - 2 d'Resh ones and a Universal relic.

That reminds me, I've got to add promo for Twilight War - actual cards with those names - at some point. Double Jeopardy already has the card in-built to the set, so that's one thing done. Elder's Legacy has its card and TG has Taint and Glimpses. SP and KQ didn't have promos for the set name, but they were promos themselves anyways and not a full expansion. It is nice though getting back into the thick of designing MND cards.

However, I think the tournament is dead though. There's hardly anyone around. That's to be expected. There are also a lot of new players and I've seen Tim and Christoph guiding them on. That's a good sign - dead games needs advanced players who can guide the new players into the game.

Minor update on the custom card site with the 2 new cards, but that's also to be expected. Nothing new there, nor any news on the MND front. I think the players are making more of the news than the actual company is... what with fan cards and tournaments an stuff. Then again, the company is dead (or something close to it) until the cartoon airs anyways.

B5 also has the second set of preview cards out for the next expansion. Times are busy I guess... or people (except me) have way too much free time as the holidays get nearer. I have no idea if the cards will even be good or not since they are for the Narns, a faction I don't really know how to play. I left my comments and it will probably be taken though. 2 other people leaving comments on the cards. Not too shabby.

Aquarius went public today. So that's 5 games for Mark this year. He's getting good at coding games and is getting quite a bit on his plate. He seems upbeat about it too. He's gone on to adding stuff for GRfoS and then it's on to his first board game. Heh, it'd be funny if he finishes that this year too.

Tony added XP to WoT today. I guess it's easier to determine victory in WoT than in B5. It's good that his games are getting noticed. He's even got the wiki pages, rules and logos and all, up and ready for both his games. I wonder what game he'll work on next. Probably something with the images already scanned in or something.

I worked on the wiki today too, adding in a bit about how to keep Norton Internet Security fully functional while running the engine. It was a lot harder than it looks. I guess I don't have the knack for techie technical writing. Oh well, we can't be good at everything.

Martin is still busy getting VTES public in... oh, about a week. I think people's adrenaline is going up as the date gets closer. Lots of new people checking out the existing engine to find out how things work and stuff. It will be a crazy day for Martin and Ed. Ah well, I should be away by then hopefully. I'll have to remember to stock up on garlic though.

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