Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

-+@ Winter @+-

Walking in a winter wonderland...

Art Credits:
Ice Zyavu by Jen Reed, backgrounds by Rich Werner and Chana Goodman
Arctic Wind by Justin Gallaher
Icicle Hyren by Jen Reed, backgrounds by Matt Holmberg

Three more cards from Exodus Flight, which is the next set after TW. There's 3 Nar cards to fit the wintery theme of today's post. I did 2 of Just Gallaher's cards today for the RP sets eXodus and Dreamstorm respectively and the one from Dreamstorm wasn't too shabby so that got accepted into Exodus Flight, which is based on the names and the artwork from the first 2 RP expansions. I also spent a large amount of time going through the images again from those 2 sets and accepted 4 more cards into Exodus Flight. All the Exodus Flight images can be seen on the Custom Card site, of course - I just finished a quick update on the site with the new cards.

Today I felt inspired to start the first of the first 3 cards for Chimefall, the 3rd RP expansion. I've done 3 spells, all of which can be seen on Insiider. The art was by Alison Strom and all 3 were for Arderial. The cards aren't too bad and I like the idea behind the cards. It's a pity that none of the 3 will be going into Fallen Hour - that's the set based on Chimefall and Soul Conflict, and will be worked on after Ancient Enemy.

After the blog yesterday though, I was just too psyched up about the Universal cards, so I went ahead and posted the text up on the Twilight War forum. Nobody has commented on the cards yet, but I am going to say some of those cards can be extremely broken as they stand. They will need to be toned down a little bit before they enter playtesting. That brings it to 5 and a half regions completed. One more region and we'd be half way through the expansion.

There's only a couple of days left to the Double Jeopardy contest and it only has 5 entries. I'm not surprised. It's December and people are extremely busy. Likewise the tournament hasn't even had a single game reported, which is also expected. With the other free games though on the engine, there's a lot more to do than to play MND which costs tokens...

The MND at CCGWorkshop blog has also been quiet... I should put something up one of these day there for the end of the year thing or something. The other thing I would like to do is to add the MND customs infomation to the CCGW wiki. One of these days...

I've been playing some LotR, mainly with the revised non-solo Smeagol with Gollum as the shadow. I'm enjoying Gollum extremely at the moment, due to the ability to massively wound the opponents... and the fact that nobody is playing with Clever Hobbits. The game doesn't seem as healthy as it used to a year ago online, which is a sad state of affairs. However, they are still doing rather well, and have even picked up the tricks I've been using for MND - custom cards (only they call these online cards), design contests and the like!

Tournament wise though, I think the Final Twilight Tournament actually had some games played this week, although I have no idea how many were played. Things seems to be quieting down again though on that front. That game seriously needs someone to really push it and support it and I don't think I can do that. The best I can do is to make sure everything is as up to date on the engine as possible.

I had a look at the staff page on CCGW and was surprised to see that Ed has taken up Co-Lead for Frank's Zoo. I guess that deserves a Plates Post update. I'm still listed there as being the Co-Lead for Sailor Moon as well, eventhough I have never had that post throughout the history of the game. I think Ed just wants to make my list look a whole lot longer. The other person who has an "orphaned" Co-Lead is Kev with Galactic Empires. With Gray out of the picture, he's gone back to being a full lead on that game.

Talking about Kev, I wonder if he'll use the holidays to finish up Monkeys. I hope he doesn't get stressed too much over monkeys though. It is best if one is really enthused about coding before beginning, but that's a luxury more than anything else. Hopefully, he'll get everything ready before the end of the year as a surprise to everyone.

Martin still seems to be busy on VTES, and there's just a couple of days to go (or less). I wonder if there's a large group of people hanging around the chatroom there. Probably not, since the initial playtesters seems to have lost interest in the whole thing. Oh well. Hopefully the server will be able to take the influx of the expected large numbers of players later on Monday!

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