Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

-+@ Desperate for Air @+-

Well, air isn't the thing I'm desperate for. Time seems to be it...

Those are three of the Final Twilight cards that I added images for today. And with that the game is ready for alpha test - and awaiting Ed to get it all up and running on the engine. Wait for 2 weeks, that seems to be my motto. Two of the cards above has an icon that I designed... if designed is the word. Nate was going to remove the neutral icon from the game so I never got it, but it's such a waste to remove an icon so I made a blank black icon to replace the neutral icon so that the cards doesn't look so weird. I'm pleased with the results. Also, I think Kitana should be Katana... but who knows what Kitana means in the Final Twilight world...
EDIT: ED linked in the game early!!! I'm uploading images now, soon it'd be rules and stuff. The game will be ready for download in about 12 hours time!

That's all the coding I did today. Pitiance, really, but enough for today. Tomorrow will probably see either the start of Hyborean Gates scanning, more MND cards, more Bowling or a combination of any of the three. We'll have to see.

While I'm on the MND custom cards, the forums dedicated to that doubled it's membership today from 7 to 14. I don't even recognise some of the people who signed up there, but it seems to be attracting not only the crowd from Insiider, but also from other places as well. I guess that's the advantage of the official site being down, more news of which is on the said forums.

Project ChuckieCheese had a boost today when Chris and I sat down (online) and hashed out most of the ideas. The name is still up for grabs, but the official name of the project is now ChuckieCheese, or PCC. Why ChuckieCheese, well, why not? Heh, glib answer, but one of these days I may explain why it's called ChuckieCheese. Anyways as the game takes shape it'd be interesting to see if we can get the images to backup the cards. I don't know, that would be the hard part and I'm not too willing to spend time on it when I have yet to finish Tainted Glimpses. We'll have to see.

Talking about Tainted Glimpses, I really, really have to get the cards up for playtesting as soon as possible. Interest seems to be there, but I have no idea how long it'll last. Maybe I should announce a date for it or something... like February or something so that people can come on the day to build decks on the engine and play... not that many would. Still, that would be nice.

I logged onto gToons to find that I was ranked 902. Wow. Played a few tough games and lost 2, but I did win one against a PPG deck with a Liberty Belle slam. Wow. How did I do that? I concentrated on the colour win. The final score was 97 to him and 33 (or something like that) to me, but that didn't matter as I had 4 greens and 3 reds - 1 more green and 1 more red than him for the colour win. Heh, that was interesting. He challenged me to a rematch, but I declined and left since I had other things to do. I also introduced the game to someone who got hooked to it. Heh, oh well.

I fired up the battletech gML today... just to check a card name. I doubt we'll get it back on the engine anyways. That's a pity though. People are still asking me what are the chances of getting it back. Oh well, ce la vie. Who knows, maybe WhizKids will let us do the game or something. Somehow I doubt that though.

I saw Stefan back on the engine today... probably grabbing FZOO to do more work. I don't know if Ed has been lighting a fire under their backsides to get things going on that front. I guess he would probably have. Kev seems a bit disgruntled (or is that just gruntled?... I probably mean grunted?) about getting MotM before Origins. Since I know I had a chaser about PAD, I wonder if I was the oddity, the novelty? Probably not.

Talking about Kev, someone was checking up his Dragon Dice adaptation on the forums. It's interesting though that people are checking it out. I wonder how much traffic that game will get once it's adapted. Somehow I doubt it'll be alot, but I may be surprised.

I haven't heard from Martin for a few days now (and since I've written this, he'll probably IM me the next instant he sees me after he reads this), so I hope that means all's well for Monster Mash and/or VTES. Hopefully it doesn't indicate that he's on a burnt out. Well, he could have a break if he wants to, that's not up to me to decide. Still I wonder though what he's up to... might be a whole new game, maybe an original one if the forums are any indication.

Logan has still been continually improving his games this week. It's Crypt today. I suspect most, if not all his games will be updated by the end of the week. This might bode well I guess... Mall of America might finally get some attention and then hopefully after that he'll take an old game. Heh. It's good to see him coding. It's small things like this that keeps me going myself.

Ed thinks he needs to know what everyone is doing. That is admirable and all. I guess all he needs to do is to read this blog for 5 minutes everyday. I try to give the lowdown on most of the PLs.

Oh, I probably haven't mentioned this yet, but a few days ago, we got a new PL onto the engine. The next time you're on the engine, check that 10tacle, or Christoph as he's known outside of gEngine, has that gear icon next to his name. He'll be working on Star Wars and hopefully that will make things go a lot faster for that game.

And to round off everything, kari mentioned to me earlier that he'd like a set of forums of his own. I recommended the one I'm using at . I have no idea if he can include it in a frame, but if he does he'll probably use it. Well, he doesn't have a CCG site and doesn't really want me to link up his personal site, so I have respected his wishes. However, perhaps if enough people ask him (and do please ask him nicely), he might put up a CCG website about his second favourite game (Doomtrooper is his favourite, of course). What is his 2nd favourite game? That you'll have to ask him.



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