Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, January 17, 2005

-+@ Sharp Eye @+-

Those of you with a sharp eye might be able to see where I recycled the images for today's cards from.

Art Credits from left: Holmberg, Holmberg, Gillette/Holmberg. Bograth cards, as usual are nice to do. I really like how the Weebo ended up there, seemingly sinking into that pit. The other 2 uses image from two games mainly... which two, I'll go silent for now. Still, it's a nice trio of cards today and it was fun to do as well. I also got a sketch of a Bograth Shadow magi from Nick today. It looks a whole lot more Bograthy than Core-y (pardon the juvenile English), but I'll see what I can do when I colour it to make it more Core. Well, I'm not gonna colour it today though. Mikey said he's finished the blanket, and he emailed it to me, but I didn't get anything unfortunately. Well, I've asked him to resend it. Lets hope I get it by tomorrow to finish the rest of the 6 cards for the week and the arderial cards in the set.

Insiider is back up again today. Nothing much going on there, but I posted a newbie help post... and spammed it on GPN and CCGW as well - the links are available to the left. Nothing much is going on there as the forums get reconstructed again though... the last backup was something like 3 weeks ago so quite a large number of posts were lost. Oh well.

I did play a game of MND today... lost badly to Arderial, but then it's always hard to beat Arderial, especially with Shimmer. I've got to build better decks, but I'm just too lazy. These days, I just throw together the required 40 cards and play a game.

Logan got Crypt working again. He must have really burnt the midnight oil to get it to work. I think Tomi will enjoy the fact that Crypt is working again since he needs to "borrow" stuff from Crypt to make Duel of Ages work. It would be fun to see what happens.



  • At January 18, 2005 5:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah, the torture. That furok looks so familiar. It will torment me. If only I could place which card that comes from. I tried, but all the cards I tried were not it.

  • At January 18, 2005 6:51 am, Blogger Novelty said…

    Heh, anonymous comments. Well, it's not from a card...

    And if that's you Daniel. Welcome to my blog.

  • At January 18, 2005 3:34 pm, Blogger Novelty said…

    Well, that's not Daniel... Dawson, is that you?


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