Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

-+@ Learn by Doing @+-

Haven't had this much fun on the engine for a long time now. Nate finally came through with about half of the images for Final Twilight...

Note that these are full card scans, but images actually rebuilt by the engine as I coded them from all the myriad elements. So far only the 6 promo cards and dozen "Premere" cards (which I have renamed Premiere) have been coded. I'm still awaiting some more icons and the cardback and the images for the Preview set from Nate.

The links are all up there to the left as well... I made a quick update to include the Final Twilight links in there. Also took the opportunity to update a few links there.

Didn't have time to work on Bowling or MND today, although I did have quite a bit of fun on Insiider with Project ChuckieCheese. What is that? Well, that's something I'll reveal in the future when the time is right.

I can't believe that JC still hasn't got Tournament public yet. He's probably been asking for more than a month now. Poor him. I've just put in the request to setup the support structures on the server for Final Twilight. I guess I better bunker down and wait at least a month before I get those.

Logan and I were testing out the new kit and he was trying to locate the source of the lag. Apparently it's the few lines that move stuff that might be causing the lag. Oh well. Let's see what happens there.

Tomi is probably feeling free like a bird. He can't do anything because the stuff he wants isn't yet in the kit and he doesn't want to start on a new game while in the middle of a big game like Duel of Ages. That's a pity though. I was really looking forward to playing DoA. I guess good things come to those who wait for them... or something like that.


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