Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, January 24, 2005

-+@ Eager Youth @+-

The Go Fish update was a bit overdue, but it's finally done. New cardbacks in the game, and updated th plates as well. The plates are a bit wonky, and I took the opportunity to edit the entire series of posts there. Anyways, here are the 3 cardbacks that were added to Go Fish:

Sideshow is a bit blurry, but I didn't get a good image from red tag games. Final Twilight is the one in the middle, just in case it's not obvious enough. Talking about Final Twilight, I finally added the final few scripts to make it fully playable. Well, it needs a bit of playtesting to make sure everything works OK, but I'm sure it'll all there. All I have to do now is to add in the images, of which I'm still waiting for, then for Ed to link it up to the engine so that I can make the precon decks from the engine without the worry that I'd make a typo or three, upload the rules and then it should be done and ready for beta. Not too bad. 5 hours of work over a 36 hour period so far... and counting, but it's getting there. I'm hampered more by the lack of images from Nate and of course not being able to link it onto the engine myself.

Some 3D animator showed up on the forums asking if it was possible to add his unfinished games to the engine. I'm really against adding unfinished games because they more often than not turn out to be white elephants. I'll keep an eye on that, but I'll neither help nor hinder the efforts. This will probably be the place where I raise my objection.

The other game that I went through that process with was Tanshihana of course. It's still unfinished more than a year after work started... and it'll be 2 years in a few months. I did tell Nick that if he can finish the art for at least 2 factions or 100 cards, I'll considered programming a truncated version of it onto the engine with those 2 factions. So far I haven't seen that much activity from him. I doubt he'll get the push to finish it...

Project ChuckieCheese is the other one that people have been asking me if they can get it onto the engine to playtest. This one is even worse as there isn't even a concept behind the game yet. Well, I haven't given a reply because I don't want to discourage them from coming up with the concept, but once that is done, I'll tell them that my conditions for adapting it to the engine would be a properly designed game (set of rules, set of cards) and images to go with all the cards. I doubt Project ChuckieCheese will even get off the ground though, since as I said, it's being carried out by Insiider people and those people do a lot of talking, but not a lot of action.

My Custom Card forum host just moved servers. That's going to kill traffic for a few days. That's a pity though. Daniel (dartax) has actually been drumming up support for the customs. I think he's vitalised by quite a number of factors, one of them being that the playtesters get to influence the direction that the TG cards are going. Well, let's hope I get TG onto the engine soon.

And on the non-CCGW news, my gToons ranking has dropped back to the mid 900s again... until I played 3 games today. Won all three, one of them being an all green Green Lantern setup. Didn't net anything over 100, the lowest I scored was 87, the highest was 98 in the 3 games. With the 3 wins though, my rankings are back to where they were before the weekend... and then some. I'm ranked 902 now. Wow. I'd need about another 100 ranking points to break into the 800 barrier though. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.



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