Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, January 21, 2005

-+@ Trick of the Light? @+-

If it's too good to be true, then it's probably not. 3 MND images today just to show off some of my photoshop skills, although having said that, they aren't that good to begin with anyways...

Art Credits, as usual, from left to right: Werner/Holmberg, Goodman/Werner, Holmberg/Gillette/Goodman. If that branch on the terkoz looks familiar, it's because it's the same branch as Umbu Paw. The rest of the image is basically from the Terkoz card, modified and recoloured as necessary. Jarith was born from an image that Stephan (Drakk2) told me hasn't been used in a card... in fact it took quite a lot of work to modify the image to be acceptale for the card, but the modification seems to be OK for most part. If those Quidos look familiar, that's because they are the hands of the Looph. The background and slime is from my favourite Bograth card, the Sludge Hyern. All 3 cards were fun to do today, and besides these, I also renamed Furnace Heart back to Heart of the Furnace.

So, that's all 6 cards for this week. Not too bad considering I had tons of other things to do. That means I've passed the 80% mark... a fifth more of the set to go, 20 more images or so. This is crunch time. So, with today's cards, that means Bograth has 2 more cards to go and Paradwyn has 3. The other 4 regions that still needs art are Nar (7), d'Resh (6) and Naroom and Arderial with one each. Robert (stalker) is still working on the Ploomb, while I still haven't got the Arderial image from Mike (mikula). Next week will probably be the official start of Nar and d'Resh, and the goal is to do 5 cards. Hopefully, I'll get to finish Arderial next week.

I actually worked on Bowling yesterday and did the scorecard. It looks horrible at small resolutions and I don't even have enough space to put in the player names. I either have to go for smaller numbers or make it only for large resolutions. Somehow the latter seems cumbersome. Anyways, more work is needed there.

Haven't worked on Go Fish as I wanted to, guess I'll have to do it tomorrow or something. Really though, I wonder if I'm even meeting up to what I'm supposed to be doing this month. I'm gonna guess since I haven't finished Bowling or updated MND, I'm on the "no" answer to that. Oh well. Guess maybe I shouldn't be planning for so many things over the next few months.

My gToons rank crawled up a bit, so now I'm near the 900 mark. I wonder what a few more days of not playing would do... Break the 900 mark by the end of the month? Maybe... if I have the time to play.

Martin was advertising this blog, or so it seemed that way. I know of a few other people who seemed to have bookmarked this. I wonder what they read, it's just so weird to get more than 10 hits a day to this page, most of them from people who have this bookmarked and who comes daily. Maybe it's because of the nice MND pictures. I hope it's not because of any announcements they think I might scoop here because there won't be any... I've got my own forums now (link on the right were it has been for the second day now).

I'm still looking for a good CCG announcement page - one that would announce the new CCGs, new expansions, etc. I'm tired of digging through all the MTG announcements to get to the less popular games though. If anyone know where I can get that, I'd appreciate it very much.



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