Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, January 14, 2005

-+@ Trip @+-

Well, here comes a triad of pictures, but not of the MND kind...

Art Credits? Dunno. I don't read Jap. Sorry. The images are badly cropped as well. It's just the first run through the scanner. I suspect I'll need a second run on some of the cards as well. Yes, I've been scanning through more Triple Triad cards.

I've been showing off the blank TG cards recently, they seemed to be rather well received but I suppose most of that is just people being polite. Well, I enjoyed getting everything out so far, but the next few would be pushing the envelope. Besides some of the Nar and d'Resh cards, most of the easy cards have been done and what's left are the hard to find images type of cards. I'll see where inspiration takes me over the next few weeks (if I work on 6 cards a week, it'd take another 5 weeks or so to finish it)

Caught up on the Black Riders info from Decipher. They are doing even more elaborate things and I wonder if that would drive the players away. I don't know. I don't buy that many boxes of boosters or play that competitively. Having said that, I just ordered a box of Shadows yesterday...

Played 3 games of gToons today, the last one of which was the most challenging. It was green and purple victory and he had the 5 point Green Lantern in the middle of his lower row. So by that point he had 6 green cards and there was no way I could have beaten that, what with a purple and 2 reds on the board. Good thing I had the same GL in my last slot of the 2nd row. Cancelled out his GL and I won with 2 greens and 1 purple to his 1 green and no purple. Points of course didn't matter at that point... that was one of the few games where I wasn't playing for points. My rankings are back to the high end of the mid-900s, but I doubt that will last over the weekend.

Tomi updated the Disciple games on the engine and is currently working on X-files. He should be commended for what he has done. I think he's still waiting for the new kit before he can do any meaningful work on DoA.

Oh, I was talking to Martin earlier and I discovered something else that puts him diametrically opposed to me - arrays. Martin loves to use them, I still can't get my head around the concept. Tomi apparently uses them too. Well, that's why they have the elf ring, I guess, which I don't. Oh well.

One of the MND players reported a rather strange bug to me in the chatroom today. I immediately asked him to post it in the forums and as a defect. Well, I guess that's why these things need to be tested and refined. I doubt any of the PLs would have caught that. The interesting thing is that I doubt I would have been told the problem if I didn't have a good rapport with the said player. That's something that should be on the job description of every good coder - be friends with the people who are playing your games so that they won't feel embarassed to give feedback. I know Tomi and Martin does it rather well with those who play their games. I just wish the other PLs would do the same too - hang out and chat with the players in the chatroom of the engine. Oh well, can't force people to do what they don't want to do I guess. Still, coding a game and then ignoring it is rather... the word sterile comes to mind. I mean, one of the reason I code is that I derive enjoyment when people play what I have coded and enjoyed it. The only way to find that out would be to spend time with them. Sadly, time is a commodity that few people have it seems.

I wonder how many of the other PLs out there have blogs? Then again, I doubt any of them, with Martin perhaps as the exception, are disciplined enough to write on a near daily basis! It is hard putting thoughts into words, particularly when the topic is confined like I've done so here.



  • At January 15, 2005 10:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Unfortunately, Martin isn't an exception : I read your blog nearly every day, but I don't think I'ld be ever motivated enough to write one myself.

    For arrays, I'll have to expose you why they are a powerful tools you should use.

    Best regards,


  • At January 16, 2005 9:52 pm, Blogger Novelty said…

    Heh, OK, maybe Martin doesn't have the time to write one. I know he doesn't have the motivation though.


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