Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

-+@ Ghost Image @+-

Well, Neo had some OK reviews today from the MND crowd. The main critique was that he was too matrix-like. Duh! Oh well, I know I can't please everyone.

Today has been a slow day. I'll just show the 3 cards I did today...

As usual art credits from left: Werner/Gillette/Holmberg/Nov, Werner/Gillette/Holmberg, Holmberg/Nov. Yes, that's a Cliff Hyren and yes, I drew that peak. Yes, those are the TR card images, some of which have not been seen in public before. Yes, I drew the ugly mound of dirt there.

I really had fun putting together Glimpses. All those TR Core card images, most of which have not been publicly revealed yet. The Dark Twins take centre stage, but who are those others? Is that a Wawek? Agram? What's Poad doing there??? Heh, well, peop,le'll just have to wait for TR to be released I guess.

Card counts 70/104, 67% of the images for TG completed. That's 1 card more than the 2/3rd mark so I've finally finish my goal for this week. 8 more cards to the 3/4er mark. If this keeps up, I might be able to do 8 cards during the remainder of this week. We'll have to see. No, that Glimpses card was not the last Core card, I didn't manage to count the promos when I did those 1 more card per region counts, but anyways, the following are the counts if anyone is keeping track.

3 Regions completed - Cald, Underneath, Universal
4 Regions with 1 more card to go - Arderial, Core, Orothe, Weave
2 Regions with 2 more cards to go - Naroom, Kybar's Teeth
1 Region with 5 more cards to go - Paradwyn
1 Region with 6 more cards to go - Bograth
1 Region with 7 more cards to go - Nar
1 Region with 8 more cards to go - d'Resh

Yes, I have started on Bograth, and will probably do a Paradwyn card or two in the next batch of 8 (or 9). I'm still waiting for the images to complete Arderial and Naroom has the extra promo which bumps it up to 2 cards left. At the rate this is going, I might get the remaining 34 cards out in about 2 more weeks! Yikes!

Yesterday and today I did the boring CCGW admin stuff - Shepherds, BOT, updating the CCGW (geek) code, minor stuff like that. An interesting observation is that there has been an upsurge of people requesting for more "other" games. Well, the requests might be there, but once those games are adapted, nobody shows up to play them much anyways... the exception has been AvP though which has been surprising. I wonder how long that will last. We'll have to see.

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