Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

-+@ What Have I Done @+-

Indeed, what have I started? Last month's titles were all from Wildstorms or WSS1.

Art Credits:
Machine Hyren by Beth Zyglowicz
Mud Muggum by Jeffry Ransom, background by Matt Holmberg
Elder Stagadan by Beth Zyglowicz

First off Happy New Year 2006 to all those who follow the western calendar. If you don't observe that calendar, well, I wish you a good CCG gaming experience for the next 12 months.

Cards above are from Exodus Flight - yes I still have a whole backlog of those from a few months back, so I'll be getting them out once in a while. Not much has been going on with EF though, but TW has been busy. 5 and two half regions have been posted for comments, the latest of which was 4 out of the 6 Naroom cards submitted by Daniel. There has been quite a few comments on what has been published so far. This is going to be a good expansion.

Talking about Daniel, he posted a blog at the MND at CCGW group blog that detailed his new deck. It was rather interesting for me to read about people playing Bograth, a region that I don't play well and it just goes to show that there's still many things to learn about the game.

I finally judged the final DJ contest The Rangers today. There weren't too many entries to choose from so it wasn't too difficult to pick a winner. Flip had a great entry with some really great names that didn't seem too powerful so I picked that one, but there are good entries out there as well.

And for the last 2 days, the Custom Card site has had quite a bit of updates, with the new calendar for 2006 and the animated series page getting added. The traffic to that site is still rather crazy, but at least the page views are down. There seem to be a dedicated group of people from such faraway places as Brazil and London who seem to be visiting the site on a regular basis. It's rather comforting to know actually that people are enjoying the site.

The last MND item for this blog is that I've started the January tournament online and so far 4 people have signed up. I have no idea though if there wll actually be games from this tournament, but hopefully there will be some that are played. The sad thing is that there won't be a create a card tournament for this tournament to give them a free win so this will solely be just a plain gaming tournament.

Non-MND news wise, I've actually updated the Alphabet Game on the CCGW Forums today since Crisy and Grover have been busy posting one thing after another. I do wish they'd check the X entries though before continuing because they seem to post things again and again. I've also moved the closed VTES forum to the locked forum place on the forum and the resulting 6 forums with "high traffic" is back to where it was a few months ago. The sad thing is that Star Wars and Doomtrooper aren't generating too much traffic so I wonder if those will get axed soon enough.

VTES seems to be going on strong with over 10 people on that engine every time that I check. With the release of Anarchs late last year, the large pool of new cards (online) has probably attracted a fair bit of players, that and the fact that it's still free to play at this point. The forums there have also been busy and there seems to be quite a bit of buzz there, but this is nothing compared to the initial beta release Martin had 2 years ago when upwards of 40 players were online and most of them were playing. Oh well, perhaps it's the death of the CCG industry after all.

I haven't heard from Josh for a while and I suppose that could be a good thing or a bad thing. His other fellow muppets have been busy. Christoph has just released v11 of the virtual cards online a few days ago and is still championing Star Wars ont he engine. He's doing a good job of it at the moment. Tony released a whole load of custom WoT cards a few days before that and is working on the custom fonts for Shadowfist at the moment. They seem to be getting things going there.

Kev seems to have started on Monkeys again, but I have no idea how far he got along since I wasn't around when he was working on stuff. Talking about Monkeys, I really should get Go Fish updated and Hyborian Gates finished ASAP this month at the very least and then maybe add the XP system to Yukk, Reversi and Borders. Sounds like a lot of work too, especially since I'm busy with real life stuff. We'll have to see.

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  • At January 06, 2006 4:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    VTES previous "open" session took place 1 year ago, not 2. :)


  • At February 08, 2006 9:50 am, Blogger Novelty said…

    It was December of 2004, roughtly 13 months ago. Not really 2 years though, it's closer to 1 year. It's just me being pedantic as usual.


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