Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, April 13, 2007

-+@ Bane Sword @+-

Heh, someone said it was a poop sword as well.

All images by 2i from the cards. Background by me. Art here doesn't mean picture, but instead it means a fighting style, i.e. in the usual martial arts sense. Anyways, there are 13 of them for AoD - one for each region - and the above are just 3 of them. I'll stagger them with the other image cards as I proceed with the blog.

Nothing much going on. Oh wait... there's one significant piece of news. WSSG got updated recently, but not by Kari. Tomi actually felt bored enough and got under the hood to fix the outstanding issues on that game to make it playable. So yay, it's now all dandy and stuff.

While talking with Tomi though (he's bored, I'm bored during the correct part of the day), I got him to send me cards for free. Isn't he a nice guy? Anyways, if anyone wants to send him cards for free, please feel free to contact him. We (or more accurately, I) also decided to give Ed a new nickname - jörö, and it inflects to jöröillä. Heh heh.

I just want to give a shout-out to Mitch, who has the first of his weblog out on his blog. Mitch, of course, is one-third of the CCGW @ MND blog. I guess we now know the secret of his busy-ness.

OK, still showcasing artwork...

Someone decided to submit art for their MND cards. The image above was what Doug (aka Douglas Brown, aka Ultradoug) drew, and people actually called it good. Okaaaay. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I got some not so nice comments as well, and I pointed out that it could be improved which... well, didn't go too well. I guess some people just couldn't take the criticism.

Anyways, Joe decided to draw a different version of the sword, and I did actually find the time to colour it in sometime last week, and here is the version that will go into someone else's custom card set sometime next year or the year after.

Pencils by Joe Araiza, colours by myself. This was more a test try of a few things. One is the rock background which I think didn't come off too badly. Next was the shaft of light which was supposed to encompass the sword. I couldn't get the sword in the beam of light though... at the end of the day, the sword seems to be floating in front of the light irrespective of what I tried to do. Oh well. I think I'll have to experiment to see how I can put things into a cone of light, like under a lamp-post, for example...

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