Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

-+@ Headwound @+-

You can see what I mean here.

Art Credits:

Drasx by Matt Holmberg
Thalia by Jennifer Reed
Golab by Cody Shipman

Three more from AoD, and the images are rolling fast and furious here on the blog. I haven't been creating any new ones recently, so I'm using up the backlog of images, but oh well, there'll be more - about 30 more to find and make for AoD, and then I might call it a day for the custom cards since I'm running out of images... or maybe not...

One thing is that Joe Araiza has been so good with supplying me with pencils that have been inspiring to colour. They have been posted over the past few entries and I'll probably do a few more in the month to come. The other thing is that Anthony Bode, the guy I was talking about in the previous blog, actually got himself a scanner and photoshop and is showing quite a bit of potential. Check this out:

That's not too bad, and he has promised to keep on going at it so that in a year's time, he'll have a whole backlog of images for me to use as custom cards. I can't wait for that to happen.

The big CCGW announcement today is that the Shadowfist League is finally starting again for this year. Sign-ups has to be by tomorrow and games will start this weekend which is cool. Apparently this is an official league of sorts with prizes and points and stuff so it looks really cool. Add to that the fact that Tomi has updated the game and I hope things start off smoothly this weekend.

I'm still waiting for things to be announced on Ludoholic and VTESO. No news there yet, but that's not surprising since it's the same person who'd be making that announcement and I think he's rather spread thin. Of course, there's been a slight Ludoholic front page revamp which makes it looks more organised. I like it.



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