Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

-+@ Power of the Ways @+-

The power is in you as a 80s cartoon used to have as a subtitle...

Cards from LotR again? Only because I've been reading about them today. Apparently Decipher's contract runs out soon and there might not be a next set. So Decipher has decided to go out with a bang... a huge bang, by making cards in the next set, which is expected to be their last set, very very broken. There's already been a large ruckus raised about it on several forums, which makes for interesting reading. Apparently the only way to beat a broken card is another broken card, so that's why the set is riddled with them. That also explains why the main card designer for the set has resigned from Decipher as well. Fruit Loops!

Well, I'm glad I'm only collecting the cards. I finally finished my collection for set 6 - Ents of Fangorn to make it 4 out of urm... 13 complete. Oh well, if anyone wants to send me rare cards, feel free to check the list of LotR cards that I'm looking for at Mahasamatman. I updated the list yesterday and like each and every time I do that, I get innundated with email asking me for trades to places like Poland or Mexico. Oh well.

I did say I'll talk about the cards I got yesterday... it was quite a haul, particularly the cards from Tomi. Here's the list:
Judge Dredd
James Bond
Marvel Overpower
Middle Earth
Dark Age
Dark Eden
Echelon of Fire
Echelon of Fury
Killer Instinct
The Crow
Galactic Empires
Red Zone
Top of the Order

All I can say is Yay, cards from both Echelons! I've still gotta sort those cards out later today, but I'm psyched about them. Kiitos Tomppa!

One thing I won't be getting soon it seems is the Kathars expansion. I hear that Spielbox, who owns them isn't allowing Rio Grande games to publish them. So I either have to shell out big bucks to buy the out of print German version or... shell out even bigger bucks to buy it on auction sites. I don't fancy doing that much work for just 4 tiles. I guess I'll pass until there's an easier way to get those tiles.

And there goes the reason I was going to get the next issue of Games Quarterly... no more Kathars... but wait, GQ itself has been sold and shutdown it seems and it's no longer publishing as well. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Kathar wasn't going to be available next issue. I guess I'll never know.

I also took a gander at the stats on the engine and was surprised to see that MND has gone down a great deal. I guess it's because the Brazillians have decided to desert the game en mass again, now that school has started for them? Probably. Rage also hasn't been doing very well lately as well for 2 months now, but HC is trying to inject some enthusiasm with a new tournament that's pretty much a sealed deck with ante-ing. That sounds interesting, but it depends really on players to trust each other.

I saw this picture last week and was rather impressed by it:

Image by Annette Burke. It's a MND image of course. I think I named this creature a Burkey after her and her brother Daniel. I really do like this image.

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  • At May 04, 2007 9:17 am, Blogger dartax said…

    Um, I think that pic was done by Annette Burke. While I also have a sister by the name of Jennifer, she is not the one who has drawn Magi-Nation related pics. Annette drew this. Um, not to be confused with my wife by the name of Annette too.... :)

  • At May 04, 2007 6:06 pm, Blogger Novelty said…

    I get confused with your sisters. Now that I think of it, her name probably isn't Annette Burke as well since well, that's your wife :p


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