Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, June 15, 2007

-+@ Fast Strike @+-

is as close to Fast Break as I can find...

Art Credits:
Krioh by Alison Strom/Whyrl
Zusah by Alison Strom/Whyrl, background by Matt Holmberg and Rich Werner
Wiscon by Justin Zastrow

Three more images for AoD, which as of today has progress into design. No, not all the images are complete - I'm still waiting for one more Nar magi to finish the images. However, I don't see why that should be holding up the design when 99% of the cards have images, so I've given the word to the designers to have a field day with the cards. I'm looking forward to the design and quite frankly am a little bit apprehensive of how things will turn out. Will my fellow MND @ CCGW blogger be able to link 2 and 2 together to get 4? Will we be able to make the big KT creatures avoid being binder fodder? Will there be a card that would really destroy the game? I don't know... at least not until the cards have been done. And that's an interesting process to go through.

Meanwhile, the cards from EF is being added to playtesting, with Naroom just recently added. I think that's like the halfway point or something. There hasn't been much playtest reports, but those are still trickling in. Some good playtesting being done, when there is any and hopefully, the cards will make people go "WOW!" at the text, the design and the images.

I have been playing a bit of Lord of the Rings TCG over the past couple of days. Yes, I caved in and spent $50 to get about 700 cards so that I can play with the cards from the last 4 or so expansions. The power levels are amazing - none of the decks I have can even survive this power creep. The new decks are just so deadly, on my first game, I got exerted to oblivion by turn 4, and I was playing healing hobbits! Eek. I don't like the power creep there and the game has turned from borderline fun to really sucky. I guess that's one way to make sure the last few sets sell before your license runs out - by making overpowered cards so that the game will crash and burn after your license runs out. Icky.

I've also been playing quite a bit of online Ticket to Ride recently, and I think I'm not progressing at all, rather the opposite is true. I think I'm beginning to suck at the game if that is even possible. Still I have fun with the games though, eventhough I don't win as often as I used to, but that's the main issue of the game I guess. It's not the winning that counts, but having fun. So says a guy who wins 1 out of every 4 games now...

Another game I've been having fun with online is Monkeys on the Moon which has finally gone beta and public on Ludoholic. I won the first ever game against Ed, not that it was a proper game as I didn't know the rules then. I still don't know the rules, but that's what makes it fun, I'm not playing to win, I'm just playing, and if I win, well, that's a bonus. I'm currently in a 4-player game with the game designer Jim Doherty and his "partner" and Ed. They seem to be rather nice people to interact with in the in-game chat.

Ed meanwhile has been busy. There's MotM rolling off the presses and updates on Capitol with Ajax and DoA. Ludoholic now has this nifty thing where one can choose their colours, but it's currently limited to Capitol and Urland only. I guess one doesn't need that in MotM. I've been told that there's also an additional programmer on Ludo too... but I'll leave it up to Ed to announce that.

Have I mentioned that Tomi added Sealed deck to both Kult and Dark Eden? I think that's so amazing. I will probably steal the codes to add to some of my games, although I have no idea which game will benefit from a sealed deck scenario. Nevertheless it's still cool... and for the mid most images, here are the associated cool ad images.

I also received my new stash of Fast Break cards yesterday, that's 2 booster boxes worth of cards and about 10 starter boxes. I have yet to open the boxes, I'm saving that for a rainy day or something, but I'm excited about it. I think I'm the only person who collects Fast Break cards. Hopefully I can complete my collection.

Today I actually sent out the details of the 2nd annual Novelty's Origins Treasure Hunt and this year, participation will be increased by 100%. Yes, that's 2 people from last year's one. I doubt that would double the treasure since I'm sending each of them to different vendors and quite a bit of those is actually to get info rather than freebies. Still, I look forward to the write-up, as well as the goodies.

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