Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, January 11, 2008

-+@ Kill @+-

A new year, means something has died...

First up, new games for the year. This one isn't really new, but I just saw these cards. It's the Kingdom Hearts TCG by FFG. It seems interesting that there's a Donald Duck in the set as well. Yeah, Disney must be really pushing that game. I don't have the cards, I haven't played it yet, I'm not even gonna get it. I do like the concept though... or at least the characters.

There's a lot of new things going on with Magi-Nation (no longer Duel). The cartoon series has gone halfway with nary a soul watching it thanks to its really early Saturday morning timeslot. Then there's what was supposedly a MMO going into beta (feh - they lied - in reality it's just a souped up java applet with limited player vs player interactions).

What has also been interesting is that Insiider, the forums that kept the torch burning through the darkest night for the franchise is dead. I wonder why. I know for a fact that the URL and server was recently renewed for a year. So it couldn't be financial. I seriously doubt it's technical because it seems that the URL has been wiped from the face of the net. So I wonder what happened there.

On a maybe related note, CCG Workshop has announced that they are closing down the online card game because the publisher have retracted permission for the site to host the game. Thus closes a chapter for the online gaming site as one of its more popular games goes into the graveyard. There has already been one negative post on the CCGW forums, in addition to a number of condolences as well. A number of players are going to be disappointed that the game is not available there anymore.

So, that's not one, but two of the three sites that has carried on the flame of the Magi-Nation franchise throughout the long winter that has now ended their MND connection. Will the third and final site be similarly targetted as well? Only time will tell.

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