Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

-+@ The Water's Rising and I'm Slipping Under @+-

Mmm.... water.

Well, went past 10,000 words yesterday... and I wonder if anyone actually read this... I know at least 2 people do... I guess they must have lots of time or something.

Tweaked my Moria goblin swarm some more, got lots of good cards for my Hobbit FP and have been playing quite a bit to see how I can improve the Tales. Not a lot it seems... but to get a naked str 3 character to go up to str 39 in one of my games today... well, I like the reaction that I get from my opponents. Being a Johnny player and all, that just makes my day. Who needs to win when you can pump up a character, not one time, not two times, not even five times... but 13 times...

The King Tengwar cards would be out next month... I guess I'll have to pony up a hundred or so bucks to get it... plus the fact that I need to order more supplies stateside anyways. Ah, the life of a CCG collector.

No work was done on CCG Workshop today - no bot, no games, nothing. I did talk with most of the PLs again today, so that's a good thing. I like the feeling of "community" that the PLs have between themselves... well, at least between me and my fellow PLs, I don't know much about the other PLs and their interaction with each other...

So Bug's back and he's asking me about the non-event that was the server. Things ran rather smoothly while he was away... maybe he should go away more... and talking about going away, go run on the net, but you better do it soon before it's no more.


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