Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

-+@ And I am a Deeper Shade of Blue @+-

Blue is good - from the ice blue of the landscape after a night of snowfall and the soothing blue of a clear summer sky to the calming blue of the ocean and the deepest aquamarine, blue speaks to me of large wide expenses, of calming inner peace, of things in motion, yet forever remaining the same. Blue is good... unless you're green, of course, then green is good.

I joined my first draft today... and did terribly. I didn't even draft enough cards to make a proper deck. Oh well.

I worked on Borders and Go Fish today to make them the first update of the week. Borders got a minor upgrade while I was at it, while I thought about doing some tweaks to Go Fish, but decided I wanted to game a bit, so I left it off.

Played quite a lot of LotR O today. My Besiegers took out an Elves FP... by a complete surprised at site 9. I was being decked and I knew it - those elves are nasty. I doubled to site 8 while he was on site 7, then he doubled to site 9. Killed 2 Elves at 8, but didn't have enough to kill off everyone at 9... and reconciled to only 4 cards for site 9 sinced I was decked. I am still amazed that someone could deck my 90 cards deck. Anyways, his Galadriel RB had 4 wounds, with Gil-Galad at 3 wounds, the pesky unwounded Aegnor with the peach fuzz and an exhausted Arwen. I dropped three Besiegers and then played the last card in my hand - Terrible As the Dawn. And I won. Much to my amazement. Winning with the last card in hand/deck. Wow.

And if you don't want to be blue, why not go Dune buggying in the desert sometime? Just beware of huge worms and funny people with fake Finnish names.


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