Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

-+@ Out of High Air @+-

Here are the cards from yesterday.

Artist credits from left to right: Strom/Whyrl, Holmberg/Werner, Holmberg. The Arderial magi is originally Yuriko by Whyrl. I did one more card yesterday - Kyndle, and today I got Rayalon Fiend done. I'll post those up maybe tomorrow with whatever new card I'm doing, probably Underneath so that I can finish it. I can't believe that Underneath would be finished first, but Cald and Arderial are also one card behind. Orothe and Naroom have 1 difficult card each and as such would be harder to finish. I guess after Underneath, Cald and Arderial is finished, I'll move on to Core while finishing up Orothe, Naroom and Universal. I'm on the 44 card mark, 8 more to the midway mark. This is getting exciting. I'm slowing down to 1 to 2 cards a day though since I'm running out of readily usable images. It's a pity.


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