Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

-+@ Terrible as the Dawn @+-

I guess the titles just reflect my current mood really. I considered Hate, Worry and You're a Liar and a Thief (three different cards) but settle on this one instead. No this has nothing to do with the US election, but rather stems from a bone I have with someone who shall not be named. Totally affected my mood today to work on games... so...

LotR news first, Online has actually banned trading due to some credit card discrepencies. There are a lot of (mostly Canadian) angry players ready to burn the American flags in protest or something. It's rather hillarious if I wasn't concerned that my credit card details there might not be as secure as I thought they were.

Tweaked my Dwarves since I've been playing with them. The other deck that I have a mediocre chance of actually being competitive with are the KnightRaiders deck. I think Decipher was out to punish me for using some of the most powerful commons/uncommons in my first ever deck by banning not one, not two, but 3 of the cards there. Oh well.

Tomi redid Reversi - and I mean redid. New images, easeir interface and much cooler effects... have I mentioned new images? As a result the gameplay is now so much better. I haven't tested it in 2 player mode yet though, and I should really do so, but it's so awesome to play it now. He's also updated it to the "english" now playing version.

MND should be my priority these few days, but I seem so distracted by everything and so not in the mood for it. Maybe tomorrow.


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