Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

-+@ Know Your Enemy @+-

I'm probably a few days late, but Decipher has started showing the Black Riders spoilers, so here are 3 more of them.

I'm not impressed, but then not all the cards are shown yet. There have been lots of hints being bandied about, but the set will mark the start of the rotating out of the Fellowship block, so I guess I've got to find more interesting strategies to play. I did play a game with my Rohan/Besidger deck. A rather weird game where I won only because I had the tenacity to race to 9. My beseigers were doing nothing against Legolas/Eowyn/Glorifindel/Arwen.

I played some gToons today as well... and lost quite a few. So when the rankings were updated after lunch, I was in the mid 900s again. Oh well, I win some, I lose some. Those Ed, Edd and Eddy decks are a killer to play against and the only tie I get a chance against them is when I am able to pull off a colour win, which I did in one of them.

The other game I played today was Final Twilight with Nate. He was using a modified Faust deck, I had Mark Jarus and all the men in blues. Turns out I made the better choice as I won the game by killing off the vampire. Cops 1, Vamps 0. One thing to note though - I was rolling sixes almost consistently in that game. I wonder if Ed did something to the code so that PLs roll sixes in their games. Hmm...

Well, the game was an eye opener. Found a few minor bugs as well as the fact that I hadn't included any trackers for Money or Moren, which is also called life. I took down a whole list of small little things to do as well and updated the game earlier. Now the game isn't even "no-frills"... it has auto draw at the end of turn and auto draw at the beginning of turn. It has auto unrotate at the beginning of turn. I was going to add in pay and play and attachments, but decided that would have been too much for a supposedly no-frills game. Still, I can't wait to play the second game with all the enhanced extras.

The other game that's Indie (Ha! Yeah right. I so much doubt it!) is whatever that will come out of Project ChuckieCheese. I sat down this evening to throw together the rough rules so that we have a point of reference for discussion. I'm not really looking foward to this game... the cards are going to be horrible to design, the art is going to be hard to find and what was I thinking working with 2 people I barely know? I think I must have been temporary insane... wait, no, I'm permanently insane anyways... so I guess that would make me temporary extremely insane?

Having said that there have been a large number of people - i.e. 2, but that's 2 more than usual - trying to recruit card designers from CCG Workshop for their projects. I wonder why all the sudden interest. Curious minds and all that.

I updated the plates post yesterday to put Final Twilight public. While doing that I added in a few alts of the PLs as well. It's always fun doing that set of lists, but there's so much info there and I make so many typos and mistakes that it would take ages to fix. Hopefully things are up to scratch now, but I have no idea. Well, the reason it's called plates is because... here, lemme put up my plate:

That's why it's call plates. It's just a series of posts with the lists that I made up and collected and the plates are just one of the list. Yes, I know there are a lot of juicy bits of info in that plates drawing, particularly for those who don't usually get to see it - this is the view I get when I view it of course, the general public is welcome to find out which game on gEngine hosts these images... and I can safely say it's one of those games above. Oh and I just realised that the Terminator cardback is missing from that image. Ah well, more work to do.

Bowling went closed testing yesterday. I really hope I can finish it - i.e. make playable, before the month is done. Somehow I have serious concerns that I won't be able to make it, but that's one thing I'll try my best to do. The other thing to attempt to finish this month would be the Hyborean Gates scans. Well gates are done, 400+ more cards to go. Haven't had time to work on MND really, the Final Twilight updaate today caught me by surprise and usurped the time I had set apart for MND and Bowling tonight. Ah well, such is life.

I have a long discussion with Martin about quite a bit of stuff today, PCC being one of them. It's always interesting to get his opinions because most of the time eventhough we agree on the generics, we so disagree with the specifics. It's weird how we can do that. Nevertheless, it's always good to have a different Point of View and I guess Martin is probably one of the best person to get it from in my case.

The other person I talked with today was Craig (skandall) who has aspirations to be a Project Lead on CCG Workshop. It was an interesting conversation, I would say about why everyone and their dog would like to make a CCG without images. I'm just so amazed. I mean if you are going to make a CCG, you might as well go out of the way to get the art for it. I hope I convinced him that art is a good thing for a CCG.

I got asked on the forums about the Triple Triad folder/icon on my desktop, to which I replied something to the effect of "there are so many other Triple Triad sites out there, do we really need one on the engine?" The answer is no, but that hasn't stopped me from adapting games like Kings and Go Fish. Which reminds me, when one is out of tokens, they can't even play 1 player games like Kings... which is a pity.

Talked with a number of PLs today, but I don't think many of them are working on games in particular, most of them are just brainstorming or waiting for Godot or something. That reminds me, I've got a Crypt update to download... if and when I get the time... and I have to post about the Final Twilight update today...



  • At January 28, 2005 2:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "I have a long discussion with Martin about quite a bit of stuff today, PCC being one of them. It's always interesting to get his opinions because most of the time eventhough we agree on the generics, we so disagree with the specifics. It's weird how we can do that. Nevertheless, it's always good to have a different Point of View and I guess Martin is probably one of the best person to get it from in my case."

    Thanks Novelty for the high esteem you have for me (litteral trasnlation from French... so probably it has no sense in English). The only thing I can say is : "the Devil lies down in the details", which should explain why it is so easy to find someone sharing your generic point of view, and so easy to disagree on most specific points.

    To start a small blog of my own, today I found the following piece of wisdom in a people signature on a french forum :
    "Guy #1 : - I'm French, so excuse my language
    Guy #2 : - No problem, I'm American, so excuse my president"



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