Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

-+@ There's Something In Here @+-

and I hope it doesn't smell. Well, images first. I scanned in all the gates and the cards that one uses to make the pyramids in Hyborean Gates so let's put those up.

That's 3 of the last few gates. The images are rough, I just wanted to see how they show up. Apparently I need to clean my scanner as well.

So of the 4 things I need to do by the end of this month, I've only finished #1, which is the MND EL update. I've just started Hyborean Gates, still midway through Bowling and I think I'll move HumAliens to next month if I can't finish it this month. The bonus is that I've completed the only optional - to do Triple Triad scans. Of course, Go Fish has been updated this month, so it's not too bad a month at all... provided I can get Bowling public and Hyborean Gates into closed testing. Oh and did I mention that Final Twilight went from zero to public in about 5 days? That has been what's keeping me on the adrenaline burn.

Yes, Final Twilight is public now. Nate should be happy that I dropped everything to adapt it for the engine. Well, I've been inspired by it anyways, no not the actual game itself, but the adaptation of it. I so much liked the background image I made for the game that I specially made it into my windows desktop image:

Those icons in the middle (if they aren't clear, just click on the image and a bigger one will popup) are actually the folders of all the games I'm a lead for on the engine and a few additional ones - Scooby Doo and Wizard in Training are both there, and the Tournament, because I started coding for it and then handed over the whole thing to JC. When I need to work on a game, I don't have to hunt on my harddrive for the folders, I just click on the respective folders on the desktop to get at all the working files, which is stored in the respective folders.

I did those icons today. Did a whole lot more other icons of cardbacks as well just for the fun of it. If anyone would like some icons of games that are on the engine - cardback icons that is - they are free to IM me and I'll see what I can do.

Bowling is the other thing that I'm bashing through at the moment. I just uploaded the essential images and the code to the server. Hopefully, Ed will link them in soon so that I can private test there. Maybe I might even be able to meet my deadline of making it public by the end of this month. We'll have to see.

I still haven't got the Arderial image from Mikey (mikula). It's a pity really. I was hoping I coudl bash out that card, the add the original 5 regions worth of TG cards onto the engine for playtesting. Well, I can wait for a while more I guess, while Bowling get fleshed out and Hyborean Gates gets scanned out.

Project ChuckieCheese is still going on an interesting pace, as ideas are being tossed around and things are taking shape. Somehow I still doubt that anything will come out of it except talk, but the people there might surprise me and actually get a working something ready... oh in a year or 5's time. Only time will tell I guess.

I broke the 900 barrier today in gToons. I'm was ranked 898 earlier today, but since the rankings change midnight eastern, and I check before that earlier today, I might have moved, whether up or down I have no idea. Still, I never expected to break through to the 800+ rankings, so that's good I guess. Played a couple of games as well and lost a couple. Won a rather interesting game where my Green Lantern took out someone's make everything green and gain lots of points deck. The thing about gToons is that is punishes a 1 trick deck real bad. Top decks probably have a key strategy and a backup somewhere, just like my Dexter's parents in an animals deck.

Also played LotR today. Non-solo Smeagol lost on site 6 against a rather nasty Trolls deck, but the retooled Rohan Eomer Third Marshall deck I was playing got to site 9 and won, despite the casualties, including Eomer himself on site 7. I think I'll continue tweaking that deck as I "steal" strategies from other people. Both decks uses Besiegers for the flip side. Hate and Terrible as the Dawn is going... actually I guess I can take out TatD since Galadiel got X'ed. Besiegers will still suffer against Dwarves though. I've got to think of some anti-Dwarf tech for my Besiegers. Maybe I should ask Brash about it. Hmm...



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