Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

-+@ Honored Elder @+-

And if you think this is going to be a second Elder's Legacy picture day in a row, well, you're... incorrect.

Art credits, left to right: Holmberg/Werner/Gilette, Burke, Holmberg/Nov. Rock shower just shows how effective recycled images can be for spells - Moga Boots and Stone Storm were the two component images there were spliced together (and a few other tricks thrown in) to create an image... well, good enough for a custom set. Dartette is A. Burke's second image in the set so far - the weave Sagaweave creature was her first. The unusual name is a homage to her and her brother. Swamp gas though, like most Bograth card, is fun to do. Take the Sludge Hyren, throw in the tricks I learnt while making Photosynthesis and bingo, one nice card.

With that I'm at the exact 3/4er point, or 75% of all cards done - i.e. 78 cards out of 104. The revised Cald image and the KT spell finishes off those two regions, so that makes it 7 regions that have been completed, the other 5 completed regions so far are Core, Orothe, Underneath, Universal and Weave. Swamp Gas also marks the start of the foray into Bograth and Paradwyn and with 4 and 5 cards respectively to go, hopefully they'll get images ASAP. I suspect that after 2 or 3 days of Bograth and Paradwyn, I'm going to start on Nar and d'Resh. This is where the hard part will be starting. Bograth and Paradwyn creatures are hard to find images for and I'll have to rack my brains up to find images to recycle for the spells and relics. And there's an outstanding magi for Bograth as well, one of the two left, the other being a d'Resh magi. Anyways, I've finished my target for this week. Let's set a reasonable target for next week, 6 more cards - hopefully, I'll get the Cloack of Protection image from Mike (DarianMoon) and the Ploomb image from Robert (stalker).

Logan complained today about the fact that the engine takes up both of his screens at home and he can't disguise the engine at work. Consequently, he's been online from work less often than usual. I notice that Tomi and myself have been doing less of that as well. Well, the recent change has made it harder for us to hide it as a minimised chatroom in the corner of the screen, so we don't even bother anymore, which is a pity, because new players are going to login, ask for directions and find nobody to answer them. Oh well.

I played a lot of LotR today. Won with GRU - Gandalf/Rohan/Uruk, but lost with my Dwarf deck. I still enjoy the fun of playing the game online though. I just wish somedays I have more of the good cards. Oh well.

I also played enough gToons to ensure I don't slip down the rankings too much. Had a memorable game where I shut out my opponent's strategy by killing my own. It was fun. I'm still hovering around the mid-900s mark in the rankings and I doubt I'll have the time to push into the sub-900 mark, although with a bit of effort and a lot of time I think that is possible. But why bother?

Mark is still working on Summer Camp. I think he's got another day off work to code for it. He's playing games on the engine at the moment so I can only guess that the engine is working for him now.

I'm surprised though that I haven't seen Thomas online... according to the engine the last time he logged in was last year. I wonder if he's been doing a runner. He hasn't even been reading what I've been posting here for some time now as well. Hmm...

Talking about people visiting here, it seems that Martin has bookmarked this place. Thank you Martin! I was told though that if you google for "Novelty's blog", the first returned result will be this page, or one of the pages that will direct one here, probably Blogwise or something like that.

Insiider is still down. I wonder if I should setup a temporary forum to take its place... I dunno... I'll wait a few more days and see what happens...


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