Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

-+@ I thought you were dead @+-

Well, I wish I was. I'm dead tired anyways.

More EL cards just to pretty up the post. Martin told me that they were really nice the other day and sorta asked me to work on Doomtown artwork. Hah! I don't think I'm good enough to do MND artwork, let alone Doomtown ones. Martin was rather disappointed with whatever is wrong with Abduction though, so I hoped he had fun reading through this blog culling the nipa-Martin info.

And while we are on nipa, he's also asked me to do Doomtrooper custom artwork. Urgh. I don't think I'm that good for that as well. He's still been busy on DoA and I'm still getting very excited about how things are progressing there. Hopefully, we'll get a working version soon. He wishes he has the new kit though. Well, I don't envy his position. Sometimes it's hard to see what works and what doesn't without the kit.

And talking about working versions, Mark finally has the last card of Summer Camp coded. It has taken him a while and a day off work to do, but the game is progressing and that's one I'd like to learn quickly just for the fun of it. I saw kari mentioned in the chatroom about defective images and Mark just answered that his engine wasnt' working properly. I wonder if Norton has anything to do with that.

I've been missing Logan like ships passing in the nights. He's back on coding and he's working on his existing games, so I wonder if Classic Concentration will get an update sometime in the future. I have no idea though. Still it's nice to see him working on the games. When he's online more, I might take advantage of that to update the tiles in Urland, since Logan is the, by default, Tiles expert. We shall have to see when he's on.

Haven't seen Timmie (remember him?) and Aaron online much recently. I wonder how goes the clipping of Sim City... and I wonder if Aaron is even interested in the project. Oh well. Tomi mentioned to me that the monotonous work of clipping images is probably what makes new PLs drop out. I think he might be right.



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