Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, January 07, 2005

-+@ Meditation @+-

Well, I doubt Martin did any meditation, but he did guess the CCG which this month's titles are from. Give the guy your praise!

Didn't want to edit the former post since it was already long enough, but since this is a new post, I get to put up images. Well, since I haven't done any TG cards, they'll have to be EL. Well, I guess for the next 2 weeks or so this place is going to be an art gallery... maybe longer if Decipher starts spoiling Black Rider images. It's a wait and see what happens.

Patrick (magimutt) found another typo in one of the EL cards, so I made a correction to Reclaim. I really should proofread all of them before posting them.

The first of Lugan's attempt to get Shadowsfall Promo artwork has rolled in. I must say I'm rather impressed with the image, and have just finished templating the card (shown above). It's for playtesting though, so the text might get changed, but I doubt the art will.

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