Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, January 10, 2005

-+@ Mess Hall @+-

Well, I am taking a break today from "work". But let's start with some pretty pictures and move from there...

Yeah, just the usual cards from EL just to pretty things up a bit. I should really go and work on TG just to hit the 3/4er mark soon, but, well, times are getting hard...

So, I played LotR today... lots of it. Finally started playing Fellowship block constructed and man is it hard to play. The limited amount of cards available and the different site path makes it almost as if I was playing another game. Almost. Dueled with Brash (Lockescythe) just for practise and it was 1-1 game each. Well, I don't get to play Besiegers though... mabye I should try movie block next...

I got my 10 passes + the 5 for the quarter of the year thing, so that's 15 passes in all. The foil I got wasn't worth much, a Fellowship Orc rare. Oh well. I joined a league with the 10 just to get the printed Boromir card... I hope it arrives.

My gToon rankings have dropped rather dramatically again, because it seems I'm in the "hot" zone where people below me are climbing up the rankings ladder on a daily basis. Either I play to stay level or I lose 10 points or so a day... I'm still within the mid-900s, but I suspect that could change this coming week. It's really fun, but because those slams are so hard to get... or even a jawbreaker... well, it makes life a lot more challenging, I guess.

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