Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

-+@ Display of Skill @+-

Kicking it back, taking it easy... but just in case anyone misses the usual images...

Also fixed the Snowed in text which had a typo today. I really should be proofreading those cards, but I've been lazy. I corrected the TR page as well which had some formatting errors. Anyways, all I did today was the SP ad.

That got added to the SP page and I did the same for the EL image and the EL page.

Played MND against Daniel (dartax) today and totally decimated his deck. He gave up by the third magi or so. It wasn't really fun. That's why I stopped playing MND - I either beat people up too easily or I lose too easily. Oh well.



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