Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

-+@ Under its Gaze @+-

Well, everyone should know the drill by now...

Art Credits from left: Holmberg/Vega/Shreve/Christopher/Nov, Nov, Nov with backgrounds by Holmberg. Well, as I said, it's hard times now as we go towards the final stretch. Note that I have my hand in all 3 cards... well, of course I tweak most of the cards... but I've been drawing more and more as images get scarcer and scarcer. Of course, I've got a whole lot more confidence after finishing that Dion picture below. I did the halo in the Transmo picture, the whole of the Taint picture (but that was the easiest), and the seedling and sunlight in the photosynthesis card. I like drawing the last card, it was fun.

So, those 3 cards means that 6 regions have been finished now - Orothe, Core and Weave joins Cald, Underneath and Universal. KT, Naroom and Arderial still have one each to go, and if I do two of those three, or any two cards in fact, I'll be at the 3/4er mark. That's a milestone I'll be glad to finally stake my claim on.

I updated the TG cardlist on my custom card site (link to the left as usual) with the comments received so far and upgraded the look slightly by adding in the region colours so that it matches the rest of the site. I like the look now. Also renamed Cwm to Dartette, so I'll have to redo that card sometime soon, with a new image too.

Well, now that I have the cards for 6 regions finished, I guess it's about time that it gets added to gEngine for playtesting. That would be fun.

AvP has been getting a lot of traffic recently. People are asking for Atmosphere and Terminator and I had to pour water over the proverbial fire to cool these people down. I doubt I'll have the time or the inclination to do those sets anytime soon, at least not until after I've finished Bowling.

Talking of which, no, I didn't work on Bowling today, but I might do some work a bit later on the remaining outstanding graphics - namely a bowling bowl, some buttons and text and numbers for the score board.

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