Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

-+@ Focus @+-

A new month, a new CCG for the card titles. Let's see who will be the first to guess the CCG.

If you haven't already figured out yet, those are 3 more cards from Black Riders and so far all we seem to be getting are Naz cards. I'm not a Naz player so I have no idea what those cards represent. I'm still waiting for the other cards to show up.

I think I'm going to make all my non-meta posts this year have 3 card images. I've done it for the month of January and hopefully I can do it for February. There's a lot of resources for me to be gathering cards from anyways, and of course, I'm making MND and WS cards this year. Hopefully that would be enough.

While on the topic of LotR, I played it yesterday. Besiegers are still nasty and I realise that I'm no good with giving away a huge pool. Rohan, although fun to play isn't really my style. So I guess I'll have to find something else. Maybe I'll should go and update my Noble Leaders deck.

Also played quite a bit of gToons over the last 2 days just to maintain my mid-800 rankings. Today, I had this fun game where I faced a heroes deck. It was purple and orange for the colour win. My Green Lantern had nerfed his orange Green Lantern and by the 6th card, I had 6 Greens in play while he had 2 orange and 1 grey. I was 12 points ahead. I revealed my 7th card as the purple Aquaman and went 18 points ahead due to the bonuses for all my green characters. He revealed a red card and gained 17 points, opting to change his grey to a purple. I won the game... by one point since we were tied on the number of purple cards. It was a bizzare game where Taz had to only give his bonus to 2 adjacent creatures.

I got quite a bit of MND promos from Stephan today. I'd say about 100 cards. I should probably update my MND-wants list too. It's weird to be getting MND cards after such a long time of not getting any. Hopefully, I've got a few more on the way since I won 2 ebay auctions a few days ago.

I also played a lot of MND over the last 2 days, mostly with the custom SP cards to playtest them. I like how Delcea is shaping out, but Kowek and La'ek will definately need to be changed. Gort'n has too little starting energy and that has to change too I guess. The other card to look at is Auriolis - however, since I don't play Nar, that's going to be difficult.

Nothing much happening on the engine. Christoph has his 2nd Star Wars expansion out and is fixing defects from his first. It's breath-taking to see he's done in 2 weeks what has taken Timmie 2 years to do.

No coding has been done over the 2 days. I really should be cracking on Bowling though. I'd like to get that out of the way ASAP, then Borders and FTWIL. We'll have to see what the weekend brings.



  • At February 03, 2005 2:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Focus" is a L5R card (very well named because this card has no gametext and has the highest focus ever printed in L5R : 5).
    But maybe your inspiration came from another CCG, since "focus" surely spread through many games as a cardname.

  • At February 04, 2005 8:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Or it's the Focus from MND. YAY! I win :)


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