Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, February 04, 2005

-+@ Tranquility @+-

And that's something I would like to have. Life has been hectic. Quite a few anonymous comments on my blogs as well. Ah well, such is life.

That's 3 of the 4 cards for the Keeper's Quest promo. Art Credits on all 3 cards are by Holmberg. There were some critics who charge that there might be insufficient images for the whole set of 4. Well, I've got the Hidden Puzzlebox done as well, but I'll save that up for another day. Now that I have all the 4 cards done, I can finally start the competition that I've been itching to do.

I also sorted out the MND cards I got from Stephan. Some went into the folders, some into my boxes of spares. I've got two thick folders and 2 boxes and a bit of MND cards now. Not a lot, but enough me thinks. I do miss sorting out MND cards and smelling the fresh smell of the card, so this was one of those good times... kinda sad actually, but it's the little pleasures in life that makes it worth living for.

Didn't get a game of gToons in today, but the top 3 ranked players were sitting in the room so I wonder which pour soul they were picking off for points to stay atop the heap. I'm still in the mid-800s, no change there, and I doubt it'll change that much. I have no intention to break the 800 barrier into the 700 barrier anytime soon, although it'd be a bonus if I do, but somehow I doubt it.

Spent most of today getting the forum ranking icons to display properly. I'm surprised how something that easy could be made so... difficult. The images aren't of the highest quality as well. Maybe I should just pitch those and start with a better idea or something.

I turned down the offer to do an Original CCG this week. I don't regret the decision, rather I regret the fact that I had to turn it down. Really though, why can't people just give fair use rights away I have no idea. Maybe they just want to protect whatever is theirs I guess. Oh well.

Christoph has got 3 Star Wars set out there already. That's fast. I think he's being reigned in by Timmie though, so Christoph is now flexing his muscles by deleting obsolete posts in the Star Wars forum. Oh well, guess he needs something to do, being a mod and all. Deleting posts though is such a Nazi thing to do.

Oh and someone told me today they liked my Zeig Heil TCG idea. Horrors of horrors. That was one of the 5 games I mentioned in my horrible idea of CCG, in the blog I made sometime in October. You can view that blog here. And I thought Ed was weird to have liked the Barbie TCG idea.

Someone from Insiider looked me up on IM and started talking about AGoT. For a good change, this wasn't about adapting the game but rather playing the game. I have read the rules and I do have a deck, but I need to find someone or someway to play with someone. Anyways, I was offered a copy of George RR Martin's book free of charge. Yikes! Some people just have too much money I guess.



  • At February 05, 2005 11:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    AGoT? I am curious what this is short for. That's all.

  • At February 05, 2005 2:25 pm, Blogger Novelty said…

    A Game of Thrones. CCG by Fantasy Flight Games based on the novels of George RR Martin. The cards are colourful and nice, the gameplay seems interesting. Of course, I have never played it yet.


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