Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

-+@ Tropical Rain @+-

It's refreshing and stuff...

Artist from left to right: Holmberg, Bozyk with Holmberg Background, Holmberg. All three cards are possibly for Twilight War, which may or may not be made. I have no idea. The two on the right were made just earlier today, which is why they are showcased here. The middle piece is Gwen's second donation for custom cards. It looks good though I also got news that we have Holmberg's permission to use his artwork on the custom cards, as long as he's credited and stuff, so that's another piece of good news. I also got Zach drawing a TG card for me - a nice teardrop. He's doing that better than the Hyren he was drawing earlier. Relics aren't too difficult to draw, it's the creatures and the magi that are always a headache. Talking to Eric and he's getting tempted to do MND artwork again. Hopefully he'll contribute a piece or two to the new custom set. We'll have to see.

Not much activity for the MND tournament today, but 2 games were played earlier in the morning and Pirategirl got on the scorecard. That means it might be possible to get 8 games after all. We'll have to see how the tournament goes. I've got to nag WindRider to go play his games as well. Hopefully, I'll see him on.

I also did a semi-major MND update for the engine and added the new TG naroom cards, but forgot to add in the bit where if one plays a creature from discard or deck, it'll get a creature dice at zero. Well, next update probably. The update also saw the first errata for EL - Festive Furok got modified to make it friendlier in play. Hopefully people will play more with it now. That makes Amara, Beauty as the only other card that might need errata. We'll have to see. Also updated the Furok card on the website. Next up though would be to finalise SP by the end of next month.

Also updated Kings... it was a simple update until I tested it out in the soon to be released new build... where it broke. So I spent most of the day upgrading it to work for the new build. I've got to remind myself to do the switch-over manually when the new build is released as well. It wasn't fun doing the same change three times, since there are 3 different language versions of it.

Played Yukk and Bowling with Kari today as well and won at Bowling but lost at Yukk. I decided to upgrade Bowling a bit while he went on to play ToJH with Tomi and Ed. I think it's about time I removed the random number requester popup and I finally have an idea as to what to replace it with. Probably next month, I'll put it in... I know I said I won't work on it since it's a waste of time, but since it's turning out to be an interesting idea, I might as well put it in.

So, I've still have to finish up HG, WS, B5 and HumAliens. I like the slow pace of HumAliens so much I think I'm going to stretch it over the next few months. WS and the beginnings of B5 will probably get done tomorrow, I guess. Hopefully I'll h ave to time to work on them.

Played two games of LotR today, the first one with non-solo Smeagol, the second with the dwarves. Dwarves sucks against swarms and Naz... actually Naz can be really strong. I still enjoy playing Besiegers though - Gandalf and Elves are discarding their stuff, but I don't have to worry about the smirking Galadriel anymore because they X'ed her. I've got a hankering to play the bouncing Hobbits though...

Tomi was working on AD earlier and then on TOJH. I have no idea what he's up to. He's also offering X-Files away. Maybe he's just getting busy. Who knows what's next? Mythos to Alex maybe? Kapa has been busy playtesting everyone else's game. I think he should be made like official playtester or something. I saw Logan earlier as well working on CC, but I have no idea if an update is imminent.

Ed is hurrying out finish the next version of the engine, and to get VTES out ASAP. It's good to see a post about VTES on the forums... it'll stave off the questions from the players hopefully. Really though, some of those VTES players can be a bit impatient sometimes, but I guess they just really badly want to play. Martin said something about wanting whatever he's coded to be made available as well, so I am guessing that WW or Ed is the bottleneck. I have no idea there though and I'm not about to hurry them... afterall, perfection takes time!

Tony IM'ed me to say that the linked dice from Final Twilight works great. He's been upgrading WoT so much though, and when I tested it yesterday, the dice was too low-tech, so I suggested he get them upgraded as well. He's really burning it up with the updates. He's on errata now... and maybe later he'll be doing attachments. He's definately moving and shaking.

Haven't heard from Christoph lately, he's probably spending a bit more time offline now that Star Wars is done. Haven't seen Julien's Shadowfist update as well - I hope he gets that out soon, people are playing decks with proxy cards already. Someone should really ping Robert and Aaron to see if they are still alive. I haven't heard from either in ages.

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