Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, January 06, 2006

-+@ Say it Twice @+-

or three times or four times...

Art Credits:
Craw Helm by Holmberg
Sizzling Sareb by Werner/Gillette/Shreve/Holmberg/Nov
Pipe Dreaming by Holmberg/Nov

And the final two cards (image wise) for TW has finally been done. Those are the 2 above together with the Sareb that I did sometime ago. These are also the first 2 cards that I've templated this year, so they are the first to carry the (c) 2006 logo. Now that the images are done though, the next step would be to design the cards. Hopefully that can be done before the first half of the year so that all the cards can go up on the engine by April latest.

I also templated a few cards, not for EF, which would be the next full expansion but for Ancient Enemy. That's right, Ancient Enemy with the Invaders. The 14th region. There's some great Werner and Whyrl art out there for the invaders and I'm trying to see if I can get at least 60 cards for the expansion to start the expansion. So far there's only 10 or so cards, mostly magi, but I'm not too worried at this point in time about AE yet. As I said, there's still EF to go...

And just for my record, since the last of this has been bumped off the first page of my blog:

Exodus Flight: Still collecting images, the status of each region are as follows:
Arderial: 1 spell, 2 magi, 5 creatures, 3 relics. NEED 1 creature
Bograth: 1 spell, 1 magi, 4 creatures, 3 relics. NEED 1 magi, 2 creature/relic
Cald: 1 spell, 2 magi, 7 creatures, 2 relics. COMPLETE
Core: 1 spell, 2 magi, 7 creatures, 2 relics. COMPLETE
d'Resh: 7 creatures, 2 relics. NEED 1 spell, 2 magi
KT: 1 magi, 8 creatures, 1 relic. NEED 1 spell, 1 magi
Nar: 6 creatures, 1 relic. NEED 1 spell, 2 magi, 2 creature/relic
Naroom: 1 spell, 2 magi, 6 creatures, 3 relics COMPLETE
Orothe: 1 magi, 6 creatures, 1 relic NEED 1 spell, 1 magi, 2 cretures/relic
Paradwyn: 6 creatures, 2 relics NEED 1 spell, 2 magi, 1 creatures/relic
Underneath: 2 creatures NEED 1 spell, 2 magi, 7 creatures/relic
Weave: 1 magi, 6 creatures, 2 relics Need 1 spell, 1 magi, 1 creature/relic
Universal: 1 spell, 1 creature, 2 relics Need 2 creatures/relics

or 37 more images out of 150 to go.

All those new images mean that the website got updated, well only for the TW cards up above, the AE page haven't been created yet (and I'm not even sure if the expansion will even be made). Also update the info there that the Insiider expansion Soul Conflict has been released. Nothing major otherwise. And just because I think it'll be nice to have an image mid blog, here's the January calendar from the site (image by Whyrl).

I actually played another MND game yesterday, this time with Bobby Doc. I conceded though since it was late and the game was slow. He had an interesting paradwyn deck - the type that only Bobby can come up with. I played the transformers deck that does absolutely nothing. Seriously though, it needs a bit more draw in that deck.

I also played a few games of LotR yesterday just for the fun of it. Won as many games as I lost, but I enjoyed recurring Gollum and watching Smeagol take out the Witch King. It's not a tournament deck or anything, but it runs fast and unless stopped by a top notch shadow side, it wins most of the time.

Spent a bit of time today adding the XP system to Reversi, and while I was at it, I fixed a bug and added a message for 2-player play. I doubt people will play it even with the new XP system, but at least it's another thing off my list. I created a new ad for it and plastered that on the front page of CCGW's site along with the announcement that it now has XP. Here's the ad since I'm in the mood for mid blog graphics.

Since I'm doing mid blog images, Aiden (picks) made 3 ads for Rage the other day (well, last year really) because I got tired of that one Rage ad that was repeated again and again. I changed out the Rage ad on the front page as well, but here are the two images since I'm doing mid blog images:

Yes, those are nice. Thomas has decided to start the Doomtrooper Tournament again this year in February and I think that's a good thing. It will definately increase the number of people playing Doomtrooper which is a good thing. Hopefully he will be able to find someone to help him with the records and such.

And since we are on tournaments, the B5 League weekend is next weekend and will last for 4 days instead of the usual two. This is to make up for the fact that over December last year, the craziness of things meant that B5 was largely ignored. The league though, together with all the various other publicity stunts are still drawing players from the nether - some new guy (but not new to the game) showed up just this week and said he'll be along for the ride. And of course, there's also the fan made cards...

And I hear rumours about a Star Wars tournament thing on gEngine...

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