Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

-+@ Lipstick @+-

and porn? Well, check out the images below...

Images by Boris Vellajo and Julie Bell, taken from Hyborian Gates.

That's right, Hyborian Gates is finally out for public testing, but I doubt it will get played much. It is after all "no frills" at the moment, and I don't forsee it getting any more advanced than that. There are still a number of cards missing in the game, but hopefully they will get added on as soon as possible, or when I get the time and the inclination to code in the cards, whichever comes first.

Hyborian Gates isn't the first game to go public this year though. The honours there were taken by James Bond. Grats to Tomi for getting that honours (yeah, take note of this, it'll probably appear in a future quiz by myself). It's out public testing, and is slightly above "no frills" since it has attachment and stuff. I haven't had a look at it yet though... I should at some point. That means though that all Target games are now on the engine.

Someone has also contacted me to offer to update Aliens vs Predator. With 5 games played over the last 30 days though, somehow I don't see how it would go beyond "no frills" as well. Nevertheless, any work on the game is always welcomed and said guy has taken it upon himself to update the images. Well, we'll see how much of that there is before his interest runs out - somehow I get the feeling I'm going to be stuck with something half done although I hope that feeling is false.

I was looking at the WSS2 stuff a few nights ago as well. I really have got to get the motivation to start taking photographs of these cards. Really. A scanner won't work since the cards can't be scanned, well, not the front anyways. I have already started somewhat, but it does need quite a bit of work to get everything finished up. I guess I can use Origins as my deadline to finish up WSS2.

Talking about Origins, quite a few things are happening in anticipation of it. Mark is getting his games ready - Attack and Crystal Authority - for public release before Origins and I know Logan is revamping LMS with all sorts of goodies. Next up on his list would be MoA, and I did offer to help out with the images there - not drawing them (ha!) but segue-ing (is that a word?) them together from multipart scans.

Ed was working on Milles Bornes over the past few weeks, and has been enjoying his work there. The game has gotten hugely popular though, although I wonder if it's because he's working on it. Frank's Zoo numbers are close to negligable, but Ed has plans to complete the game there. We'll have to see what happens. His work on 7th Seas seems to be done though and the game seems to be getting some volume, although not a tremendous amount.

Martin has been busy, first with a Doomtown update that was a few days late, but nevertheless was released. It seemed to have drawn more players to the game. Monster Mash I is now on the server as well, and I have no idea how much work has been done there, but obviously more than at the beginning of the year. And with April a scant 2 weeks away, I'm sure Martin is busy adding the next expansion to VTES ASAP.

Is that it? 6 people working on games for the engine? Sounds sad, it's true. People and people's interests change I suppose. Hence the fallen away of some. I guess that's how the cookie crumbles... or whatnot. That does give me an idea for a future blog...

And to end, lemme give a quick MND rundown - not much work on anything, but the tournament is progressing rather well and the new TG cards in a tournament setting is grabbing some interest. How long, how many, who knows? There's news of a MMO being developed for MND as well, so does that spell the end for the CCG? Only time will tell...

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