Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

-+@ Bass Player @+-

Heh, that'll make it easy for those who's guessing...

Art Credits:
Darius and Naga by Beth Zyglowicz
Anget by Cody Shipman

Another 3 cards from Exodus Flight, which has been put on ice for the forseeable future. It's a pity though, some of the artwork is really nice for this set. Nothing much going MND wise, except the tournament. I did post up the themes for the tournaments until Summer. There's been some interest, but rather minimal though. One good thing is that Dave who runs the tournaments in Springfield likes my idea to have a Highlander tournament so I think Springfield will probably have it first before it goes online.

I did finish up the long overdue calendar for February - it's up on the Custom Card site. I've also got the March one ready to be setup, but haven't done that yet. Talking about the site though, Mark has kindly offered to host it so it's making a slow migration across to a new site. I'll announce it here once things are ready.

I just realised that I haven't done a nipa-Martin blog for almost a year now. To briefly summarise, "nipa" denotes a person who solves game design problems with game objects while "Martin" denotes a person who solves game design problems with scripts.

Today's update deals with Tony and Christoph. Last time I evaluated Tony though, he received n6M1 mainly due to his ability to manipulate game objects. Since then though, he's adapted Fluxx and Fluxx has shown that he has the ability to manipulate scripts as well. I think he's gonna get upgraded to n6M4. Christoph on the other hand, is barely starting out modifying SWD and he seems to prefer scripts to objects, I'll start him off on n1M3. The other person that needs an upgrade is Mark, as shown by his recent abilities to automate moves in games. I'll just add 2 more points to his nM scores. And the full list is as follows:

BugLaden nxMx - Rock, Scissors Paper
nipa n10M9 - Doomtrooper - Mythos
Ricochet n8M8 - ShadowRun - Last Man Standing
Martin n8M10 - Doomtown - Vampire: the Eternal Struggle
Novelty n8M7 - Babylon 5
ShadowJump n5M8
kdevine n4M8
toon n3M7 - Judge Dredd
kapa n2M1

tonyluzzi n6M4
Bruce the Goose n1M6 - Rage
Jammer Jun n2M4 - Shadowfist
Izibaar n0M3
Rainbow n1M2 - Sailor Moon
stormcloak n0M2
10tacle n1M2 - Star Wars (D)
vampus n0M0
[Note: Josh hasn't adapted any games yet, hence the zeroes.]

Former PLs with games adapted
jackalope n1M7
mechaman n2M5
hiro_antagonist n1M5
sillywiz n2M4
jaycurl n2M3
Valorian n2M2
JudgeWhyMe n1M3
j235 n2M1
Point Infinity n1M2
superryoga n1M0
TimalakofBorg n1M4

The eagle-eyed would have noticed the Signature games, and the secondary signature, where available is also included in that list for the current PLs. Ed gets RSP as his signature though... he's doing so many wonderful things in that game that it'll probably be the standard way of doing small board games for years to come. And it's no surprise that Rage, JC's second game, gets his primary. It's the game he updates as soon as something new is available before his other games. There's 2 other PLs with just one game, so those make it as their signature. Christoph has the aforementioned SWD, while Robert's Sailor Moon, although not the best game out there, is his only game and isn't too shoddy for a first attempt. Eric only has Judge Dredd left and I think he's doing something to it these days... I wonder what.

Mark mentioned to me that I left out his signature (and secondary). That's for a reason though. I haven't given too much thought to it (and Kev's) yet for one, but more because it's hard to judge what exactly is his primary. He seems to work on all his games all at once. That plus the fact that he does not have a major CCG is probably the reason why it's hard to figure things out. His signature game used to be Harry Potter... but since it's gone, he's sorta been without a signature for a while. Perhaps he'll find a new signature game.

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