Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, September 06, 2004

-+@ Baby I'm ready to dig in, ready for more than skin on skin @+-


I've almost hit the 100k mark for Pineland, after rejuvenating Sawkerchee that is. There is a minor League and a major League stadium next to each other and down the road from that is some weird part of Hollywood. I finally discovered how to make one way onramps onto the highway, and the heart of the city has been now zoned for high density. All the large spaces have been occupied though and there are still small plots of land here and there that would be converted to residential areas soon. Traffic is still a nightmare to handle, but I've convinced my Sims to use the subway - one of my most favourite things to do... I'll lay line after line of subway without a second thought about the expenses or the cost... of course, the city now has almost 10 mil worth of funds for me to play with, so it doesn't really matter how much I lose :)

And I didn't lose too badly in my LotR games today. Quite a few people using Galadrial RB and my Besiegers had a tougher time than usual, particularly agains Elf/Archery FPs. I'm quite happy with both sides of that deck though - Hobbit Tales and Sauron Besiegers. Next up will be to reuse the first deck - Hobbit Pump and Uruk Hais - with the tricks I picked up from playing Besiegers. Might be fun.

Fun is also the keyword for the ability to play around with the forum controls. Removed the first 2 forums... and did a few more cleaning up and preparation for future happenings. Well, the thing is, eventhough the forums look half dead, there's actually quite a bit of life in there, particularly on the coding side of things which is hidden from most everyone else. I just wish the Tavern could be a little bit more... alive with some Buzz.

And talking of Taverns, I taught two new people - shrike and mental - Portable Adventures today. It was an impromptu tour and we played Lair of the Rat King. They seemed to like it. The interface still feels a bit klunky - I wish I could do legality checking, but that would mean I need to put in the turn order stuff... which I am suppose to do soonish. Shrike won the game... only because the game was going on for ages and mental keeps on making weird undos and I sort of threw the game. But it was fun... in its own way. It's a pity we didn't get to switch decks to play 8th Grade.

Taking about switching decks, I got the "in development" cards from Mike yesterday and I was looking at them today, well, only Iron Maiden. I haven't downloaded Firestorm (the portable adventure expansion, not the CCG) yet. Some of them are actually rather nice. When will I add them... urm... well, I have the excuse that they cards aren't finalised yet. But it'd be nice to play with something new for a change and I've got to download Firestorm soon.

Oh and I'm seriously considering if I should adapt Firestorm. Mike is nice to work with and gives quite a few goodies when working on his games. I know, it's sad, but he's sold me onto his games. Hopefully we can get more mileage ouf of those games after they are coded.

And since we are talking about mileage... how about a truck? You know you can't depend on your friend, Drew's truck, forever, ya'know?



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