Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, September 20, 2004

-+@ A Breeze in this Tornado @+-

Some days, I head over to some people's blog only to see one word. It makes me feel... a bit cheated that I spent that time going there to do nothing. So eventhough I don't realy have much to say, I usually just go on and on about nothing in particular - see, it's not that difficult to do.

Let's start with LotR O where I spent the majority of the day trying to get enough commons and uncommons to build another good deck. Gondor Knights and Forts and Southron Archers and Threats... something that I've condensed to KnightRaiders. Yes, I know, that sounds suspiciously Yu-Gay-Oh-ish... as long as David Hasselhoff doesn't fit into it I'd be fine. The deck is beginning to take shape, but it does have two key splashable cards - Sam, SOH and Enquea, TOTO - a common and an uncommon respectively. I'm already having fun with the deck though, and I guess that's all that counts in the end.

Didn't get to work on Portable Adventures today or the Bronx Project - I might work on the latter after this pending real life not getting in the way. I did get to talk to Martin about the latter though and got him rather fired up about it. Too bad Bug hasn't made it alpha yet, then I can finally announce it to the world what I've been taking time out from Portable Adventures to work on. It might be a short alpha as it will go beta once I finish the dice and the markers... maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.

Apparently TMNT has got a CCG out now. I wonder which 80s cartoon celebrity will make it into a CCG... Transformers? I did see some MTG custom cards with them where it was artefact heavy GI Joe? That would be an interesting game and I'd be happy if I get to swarm. He-Man? Well, the 2nd season of the cartoon died down in the US and the toyline is only selling overseas... so maybe it'll be a German CCG, just like the Simpsons was a German CCG before WotC decided to do their own version... I can dream, can't I?

I've also been told that WARS has the rules up somewhere on Decipher, although I can't really be bothered to go dig for them. What I'd like to know are what are the cards that will be in the King's Anthology for this month (or yesterday) of which Decipher hasn't yet announced anything. Also, the LotR site hasn't been updated in a while now. I guess Decipher is abandoning the game gradually...

Ivan the Terrible might have left the US... but do you know which game has Ivan?


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