Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

-+@ You're the Kind, When You Love, You Love With All Your Might @+-

Nothing notable today.

Forums wise, I got promises for a few cardbacks but nothing concrete. I'll have to see where that goes. And new forums of course means new games... just which new game is something up for y'all to speculate.

Played LotR O yadda yadda yadda. Note to self - Europeans play nasty decks. I need to edit the few decks I have to put all the "working" combos together into one deck and somehow make sure that my draws don't suffer from a deck that tries to do too many things... oh... when I get the time.

MND-wise, I got 2 of the custom art Jen did for me, which I'm glad. One of those will be going into Shadowfall Promo, the other into the yet unfinished Tainted Glimpses. Well, actually both are unfinished, art-wise and card text wise. I wish I have more time to spend on it, but ...

I started the secret Project aka the Bronx Project today. The cards are sort of done and it displays properly on the card manager. Next up would be to finish up the views and then the menus and scripts before I go back and pretty it up with customised dice and markers. It may be done by the weekend. It's a CCG for one and I can't mention the name now, but watch this space.

Which means I didn't get to work on Portable Adventures today. Oh well, I think I need a break from that anyways. I did talk to Mike Nickoloff today and he wasn't too anxious to get the game out so I'll leave it be for the time being. Besides, it's going to sit in Beta for a rather long time me thinks as I try to think up how to automate Encounters, which is tricky as there are so many variables there.

I also saw the work that JC did on VS, but since that's a current game, I doubt it'll even get added to the engine. It's a good thing that he's stopped working on it now. Hopefully, he'll do a licensed game.

Tim's also trying to take up a licensed game. I'll leave Bug to deal with him. I don't think he's ready yet for a licensed game, based just on his dedication to Star Wars, but that's just me. Some days I think it's a good thing I don't have to make these types of decisions... and I get to tell Bug "I told you so" when I prove right.

And I just found out that scroogey has been visiting this blog. I wonder if that will make Thomas happy. Talking about that though, I wonder how far along is Frank's Zoo and if it's playable... I should play a test game of that one of these days, but I'm lazy. Apparently he has added a south image of the cardback and got it to rotate. I wonder why that is required. Well, it's weird anyways, but I can never understand Germans and have always find them weird anyways.

Well, I wonder if that will have a chance of pipping Crypt to the finish line. I think Logan is just waiting for Bug to make that public with all the funfair of that game. I think it's an interesting game with tiles, where the board is built up like Abduction, but there's more strategy. I'll have to join one of the tours one of these days.

Now, a question for you - who'll win the battle for the moon? Sailors or Monkeys?



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