Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

-+@ We're Not Far From The End Of The Road @+-

The big news today, all over the message boards are the spoilers for Shadows. I've included 4 out of the 5 spoilers below - they showcase the 3 new loaded keywords.

Today was also a big day in the online world - Kings Anthology was released. The dead tree version is to be release a month late... oh well, stupid WARS must have got in the way, but at least late is better than never. I don't think I'll get the online version of the Tengwar cards - it's horrible playing with them. I would be getting a dead tree version though... which would be next month. Blegh. I could really use an order right about now.

Well, Decipher is weird... first they go quiet for almost a month and when they start making announcements, it's like the dam breaking. Way too many things being done in one day for LotR. Let's hope it steals the thunder from WARS.

I worked on Portable Adventures for the first time this month. Got some of the hard scripts in, which once I know what I was doing was easy going - it's always figuring out how to do the stuff that's the hard part. It is also nice to be able to sit down and dedicate my usual one hour slot to coding - I haven't done that for a long time this month - didn't even do that when I was working on the Bronx Project surprisingly. The trick I've learnt is to set tasks for that one hour and to attempt to finish it, but if I don't, I'll advance the schedule by a day. Today though, I did meet my schedule and I sidetracked and did a few more other things on the side, so I feel a bit accomplished with PAD. Tomorrow won't be a piece of cake, but the roll dice for stuff cards should be done. I hope I can do all the cards as I would probably have to code them one by one, but if I can't... well, there's always the weekend and next week. Let's hope I can finish it this month.

I'm also surprised to see the number of people downloading AvP today. The chatroom was much busier than usual as the usual people hung out to download AvP. Nobody played a game though, probably because they are either afraid of losing credits so near the end of the month, or they don't know how to play the game and are just downloading the images, but hey, at least there's some buzz in the chatroom.

Apparently Robo and flaw are playing Abduction these days. It's interesting to see Robo going from game to game and flaw trying out something else other than HP. Most of the regulars though have gone on to learn Shadowfist. It's interesting how much interest a "free to play" game can apparently hold interest. There's nothing wrong with Shadowfists though and it seems good, but it's just not my type of game.

So Crypt still hasn't gone beta yet. Apparently it was suppose to go public a week or two ago. I wonder what's the deal there... maybe Bug is displeased with something in it. Who knows? The other game that might go public soon is Frank's Zoo. T is working on what seems to be the ultimate (as in the last, not the best) script which is the scoring script. I hope he doesn't pull out too much of his hair trying to figure out how to get it right... I don't think he's got much hair to start with anyways...

I also updated the plates post today. Nothing new or interesting there. I'll need to touch up Go Fish soon to update the pictures in that post. Basically, the plates post has plates. The plates are from Go Fish. Go Figure!

Oh had a weird thought today... how do design a politically incorrect CCG. Call it Imperialism CCG. Set it during the time of the scramble for Africa. You get to play any of the western powers, or Japan and try to carve out colonies in the world and to gain fame, fortune and French West Africa, but your opponents are trying to do the same... and since resources are finite... well, it's intriguing anyways... and I can just see Martin playing the French everytime. Pondicherry anyone?

Oh and obligatory CCGW Game spam - Play Portable Adventures - I did an update today and it'd be good if people played it. There. I never said the last line always has to be oblique now did I?



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