Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

-+@ Cast Into The Fire @+-

Well, it's the weekend and my muse was randomly pulling strings, so I got a few more cards done than I would have expected. Below are Rayalon Fiend and Kyndle, and the lastest card I've just done, Speag Strangler.

Art credits, left to right as usual: Werner/Gilette/Holmberg, Szankovics, Werner

Yes, that's the first piece of Szankovics in this set, and I think that's a rather fitting image for Kyndle. I couldn't get the Rayalon Fiend to appear more fiendishly, but oh well, it's the best that I can do, unless I get new original artwork. I also started on Core, despite saying that I'd finish the original 5 regions first... the reason being that I was redoing SP and one thing sort of lead to another and I ended up making the first Core magi and relic for this set. I'll post up the pictures tomorrow, together with Therra, the latest SP magi. I've also got Mike (DarianMoon on Insiider, mikula on gEngine) to start work on a Naroom Relic. His work isn't anything grand, but an arrow should be relatively easy to do, hopefully.

So that brings it to 47 cards. 5 more to the halfway mark... not too bad I think, but halfway means it's only half done... a lot more work needs to go in to finalise stuff, particularly for the image-desert of KT, Weave, Paradwyn and d'Resh artwork. Likewise SP needs 3 more images - Shadow Bograth, d'Resh and Orothe to finish up the images for the set. I guess that means it's time to go a-hunting... or more precisely begging for artwork.

Oh and something special has happened. And no, I'm not going to say anything about it for today... maybe next week... I'm told the same thing might happen then as well.



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